By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 05:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend clearly stated that I was "useless" when on my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 499
You deserved it 8 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him your period is your excuse. What's his?


Ok honestly, in our house we have a rule. Be useful or entertaining. When I'm "broken" (what your boyfriend calls "useless") I find other ways to be useful and entertaining. Get your big girl panties on and find something to do. Also, insist that he do the same...because technically...he's useless during that time to.

If all he wants is sex then he's worthless.

Well for all we know you refuse to help in any way when you're on. That would make it a fair thing to say :P But I'm guessing they mean sex do FYL OP

PeppaParis 14

Tell him hes useless when you are not on your period :P

if only guys have period only then will they know what women go through

itsheidibaby 0

Wow find someone that loves you no matter what.

lauralavenderbab 0

Hand him the phone book and say "well here's the phone book search up a hooker"