By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 05:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend clearly stated that I was "useless" when on my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 499
You deserved it 8 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him your period is your excuse. What's his?


jewelsfml 0

so why are you with him? ydi!

Tell him his dick is totally useless when on him. And just to be a little nasty, tell him you've been fakeing.

morganUSA 4

You also need a new boyfriend

DeeG12 0

Blow jobs make the world go round honey ;) You can make him make it up to you the other three weeks of the month!!!

lulzmylife 4

*pained sigh* Please tell me you dumped him. He's obviously just using you for sex and doesn't give a damn about you as a person. Men like that aren't worth the oxygen they use up.

decidedlyvague 11

What's wrong with using someone for sex? I don't feel like that's a that should be frowned upon. Unless they are intimate and stuff. Then that's just weird.

I didn't realize this was unknown information..

sewepic 5

I think you may be dating my ex.