By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 05:02 - United States

Today, my boyfriend clearly stated that I was "useless" when on my period. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 507
You deserved it 8 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him your period is your excuse. What's his?


Get over it and stop being such a whinny ass. If you are this whinny during your period im really not surprised he said that.

Here's my point. If he means it as a joke (he probably does) then quit being oversensitive. Women who are touchy and whiny make the rest of us look bad. If he's serious ...that's probably a good indicator that he's not the one for you. So either move on and find a guy who's politically correct (a.k.a. usually a bit wimpy and easy to brow beat) or laugh it off. If this is the thing in your life that's making you say fml...then you've got it pretty good.

You should give him a bj.... And really go at it rock his world.... Then stop halfway through and say "I'm useless huh!" and walk away smiling!

woman are useless when on their periods, all thats left is alot of bitching, whining, eating and laying around doing nothing. and the only reall compensation women offer (sex) is no longer an option w/ a period. so suck it up and get over it allready

See? This guys being honest...or sarcastic...either way I'd say a bj for your bf is in order.

Comment #5 haha but boys dnt get it so wat they get a boner now nd then but we hav lik days of going through this crap wen it happens

Girls are useless when they r on their period...we shuld dump em fer a week every month

Well, are the other rides open while the roller coaster is out of order?

kitsune3 20

Wow...that is one of the most sexist things I've ever heard.

YDI because you didn't say EX-boyfriend.