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By annie_xox - 20/02/2015 14:39 - United Kingdom - Neath

Today, my boyfriend commented on one of his his ex-girlfriend's Facebook photos, saying how smoking hot she looks and how much he wants her. His excuse was that the photo was posted before he was with me, so he's clearly doing nothing wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 199
You deserved it 3 987

annie_xox tells us more.

Hi, OP here! Believe me now, I gave him the dirtiest look and ended things there and then. He can have his "gorgeous" ex if he wants her so badly, just don't come crawling back to me, you dick!

Top comments

19, the photo itself was posted before OP and her boyfriend together, but her boyfriend made suggestive comments to the photo while OP and her boyfriend were in a relationship.


exceswater 8

I'm sure there is a block button on that site somewhere.... Do yourself a huge favor and don't bother trying to justify your feelings. If he doesn't wise up and have some decent common sense, I believe you should move forward and don't look back.

He needs a reality check.... sometimes the absolute idiot ness of some goes right through me. sorry loves, hope he realizes his mistake.

that is disrespectful towards you. Don't put up with someone who doesn't value you

Unfortunately guys are not always the most intelligent. They think that they can get away with making comments like that and have no repercussions. 0p i really suggest that you sit down and talk to him about this and if you can't understand why what he did was wrong maybe its time to find another boyfriend. Not trying to be mean or anything. Nobody belongs being stuck with stupid.

No reason to be sexist. that's not cool. everyone has spikes of stupidity.

Hi, OP here! Believe me now, I gave him the dirtiest look and ended things there and then. He can have his "gorgeous" ex if he wants her so badly, just don't come crawling back to me, you dick!

Dont worry if you have doubts, you will find a man that is a million times more smarter and caring than that fourth year illiterate

OP, you should probably move on! You can find someone way better. If he still acts like a dick, you can play his game on himself, and show him what its like!

PresAgent 23

OP, I admit to being slightly confused due to the wording you used. You stated in the FML that your now ex claims the picture was posted before you two were together. Is this in fact true, or was it posted while you were together? If it was the former, I don't see how it's a problem. Ex does not always mean enemy. If he made the comment while you were together, then I can understand the concern and your actions.

19, the photo itself was posted before OP and her boyfriend together, but her boyfriend made suggestive comments to the photo while OP and her boyfriend were in a relationship.

go girlfriend **** his shit mother ****** doesn't deserve you xoxox

PresAgent 23

That makes more sense, #20. In that case, yes, I do agree with her dumping him. I simply misunderstood the order of events.

I doubt that the first ex will want to take him back. He's an ex for a reason. But good for you, OP.

24, you'd be surprised by how much pheromones and attraction can cloud logic and reasoning.

That makes a whole lot more sense, 20. Thank you for articulating that. I was having trouble comprehending the way OP worded it, too.

LittleMissShadow 16
jkp1291 25

Alright, seems like you got this shit handled.

#21, "**** his shit"..... Well we all have our fetishes I guess..

I'm glad you dumped his ass. Good job?

I don't blame you! If a guys reasoning is that idiotic you don't need him! Live your life happily and without airheads lol :3

36 I wish I saw that before you . You let them off way to easy, and I hate grammar nazis usually. Well played sir I thumb you up.

mwali02 32

Now that is a follow up well done. Good job girl! Moving on! :)

Ahh gotta love the lame ass excuses.. Good for you OP, sounds like you deserve someone better anyways. Look at it as him doing you a favor.. Now you don't have do deal with a prick. Unfortunately, you're probably right, when things go sour with her or they have a tiff, he will more than likely come crawling back.. Seems like they all do.

Happy you got outta that real quick. You'll find someone who appreciates you for your beautiful self. (:

I don't think people understood my comment ?

Wouldn't matter if the photo was "posted before" you were together...he made the comments "while" you were together & that shows he's not worthy of you or your time..what a dog. You did right by dumping him..never look back (or go back)'ll be just the same sh$t, different day.

Awesome job, OP! I love hearing resolutions of FMLs with a justified ending.

bubbat101 36

Good for you OP! No one should have to deal with a jerk like that but I am glad you took care of it.

thatonetribute 31

I assume because of the comment he made added with her saying she broke up with him over it.

Don't let one jackass ruin your life, op! I'm glad you left! No one deserves that.

That would be like me saying to my husband, "It's okay if I flirt with this dude--I knew him before I met you." I think it's time to find someone more considerate.

What a childish ass. I would say to leave him, but that choice is yours and I lack context to the rest of your relationship. I do recommend a stern talk and to not tolerate such bullshit in the future though.