By madgf - 30/01/2010 20:55 - France

Today, my boyfriend convinced me to skip school with him. His mom came home early. I had to hide in his closet and wait 6 hours for her to go to her book club meeting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 375
You deserved it 38 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

boyfriends who get you to do bad things aren't good boyfriends.

KateeJo 0

I bet it felt really good finally coming out of the closet. (:


That's what pretty much happens nowadays.

boatkicker 4

Oh, COME ON, people. Are you all seriously saying "YDI for skipping school?" It clearly states that OP needed convincing to do it, which means it doesn't happen often. Missing one day isn't going to hurt your grades.

i feel bad now i get my boyfriend into the closet and it was my brothers closet even worst huh.

Get rid of your boyfriend. Get a girlfriend because its obvious that you came out of the closet.

If you're going to do those things then if you get caught or have to do something like that to avoid getting caught you have no right to complain. Anyone with a functioning brain would know getting caught is a possibility, but you took the risk regardless. YDI

somethingnew24 0

I did that one time but I hid under a bridge and that day there was a bomb threat and I was the only one out oh man that shit was crazy