By INside - 02/08/2011 04:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided it'd be funny to create a "place" on Facebook for my vagina. Now he "checks-in" every time we have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 065
You deserved it 10 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quite a funny boyfriend you have there

CrAzYyEt 8


himynameischeese 6

just hope that no one else checks into other than your boyfriend!

Mikahz94 0

Lmao!!! thats pretty hilarious actually. XD

just be glad he isn't recommending people "like" it.

DudeItsMelvin 0

I bet he's not the only one checking in.

i bet you'll "check" into a ****** for a first time when you're 60

LSU33DucKAholiC 0

Does he at least tag you in it?

Osito2011 9

That is awesome. Just hope nobody checks in when he is gone or in it. It would be "awkward."

Squirrelx 5

It's probably a popular place on facebook now.