By shininghayley - 15/02/2010 06:14 - United States

Today, my boyfriend decided to take me out bowling. My mom was going to take us. My parents ended up bowling with us. I had a double date with my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 818
You deserved it 6 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

martic835 2

That sounds cute. Goodness, get over yourself.


Josh5895 0

omg this happens to my friend last night he was pissed

vanavril14 1

Okay wait, your mom shouldnt have to be carting both your asses around if your boyfriend is the one taking you out. Dont get pissed that your parents want to have some fun too.

SanFranFan65 0

You're just jealous we outscored you. You're such an ungrateful little bitch.

ftb170 0

stop whining in your situation it's more like playdate so your parents have to supervise lol right

Tss, at least your parents are proactive and supportive of the relationship. I'm still waiting for this girl's dad to give me consent to date her. Take it.

Tss, at least your parents are proactive and supportive of the relationship. I'm still waiting for this girl's dad to give me consent to date her. Take it.

so? that sound fun...i dont get

the_sodomizer 0

bowling is like the last thing anyone does. you must have been bored

How can this possibly be an FML? I mean really, I want to hear any reason at all.