By WTFisMyLife - 08/05/2019 03:00

Today, my boyfriend whipped out his proverbial notebook, where he obviously keeps notes of what I do and how I act during sex, and then grilled me about every single one of those things. Now I'm scared to do anything because I don't want to be interrogated about it later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 642
You deserved it 305

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WaluigiKnuckles 5

just don't have sex with him. if he asks why just remind him.

do it back. start telling him he's not hard enough, big enough or having enough stamina to please you.


WaluigiKnuckles 5

just don't have sex with him. if he asks why just remind him.

EmDizzle2007 28

I guess the sexy nun outfit is right out!

TxKitten79 10

Tell him communicating is one thing, interrogation about sex is another. Then burn his notebook and tell him if he gets another one you wont have sex with him.

do it back. start telling him he's not hard enough, big enough or having enough stamina to please you.

Ditch this asshole. Why are you putting up with that behaviour?

Isn't sex supposed to be fun? Get away from him, his behaviour sounds abusive.

Sonotsuave 35

Excuse me? What kind of idiotic behavior is that? Uh-uh. Either tell him to stop with the immaturity or do the same to him and see how he likes it. If he’s going to continue to be an insensitive prick then start considering packing your bags hun.

bloopaloop 27

You shouldn’t be screaming other people’s names during the act

tounces7 27

Get the **** out even the idea of keeping a notebook to grill you with sounds toxic as hell.