By Forgotten - 09/08/2010 14:38 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend forgot our anniversary. But it's okay; I wasn't expecting anything after he forgot my birthday, Valentine's Day, and my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 254
You deserved it 28 631

Same thing different taste


Mabster84 2

Either he's just a terrible boyfriend who uses you for sex, or you're a stalker who can't get this guy out of your mind and feels bad when he "forgets" things... If he doesn't know your name that might be a clue....

giirrll!! dump dat ass. he don't deserve you. can't even remember yo name. >:/

RedPillSucks 31

Maybe she comes from a language/culture where long names are common, and he comes from a culture where short attention spans are common *cough*America*cough* she: *hi, My name is Hansel-frueden-srinavarna-mitsubishi-stiltiskin. Will you be my boyfriend?* he: *you're gorgeous hase-frakensrikima...., damn. Who are you again?* she: *wwwwhhaaaaaa !!!! you never remember anything!!!! no bj for you!!!!*

BubbaCatLove 0

The OP may be the dumbest girl in existence, but that doesn't mean you can bash my country. I'm American, and I take offense to you looking down upon the country that is the #1 in the world right now. Granted, that won't last long, but I'm trying to be positive here. So shut the hell up and go back to making clothes for our country. :)

I'm American, and that was a shitty-ass thing to say, 154, even in jest.

RedPillSucks 31

Firstly, I'm American, and proud to be one. That doesn't mean I'm not going to mention flaws, in jest of course. Second, as many times as Americans say bad things about people from other countries here, I think you should have a bit thicker skin. I don't think there's anything positive in what you've said, while I was simply joking around.

BubbaCatLove 0

So it's okay for you to talk shit about your country, but it's not okay for me to talk shit on you? IRONIC, MUCH? I'd have to label you as a hypocrite, sir. An uneducated one at that.

chillinAK 9

I am American also, and thought his comment was funny while yours was just tasteless. We are known for our short attention spans, but why did you assume he was from low grade country? You might label him a hypocrite, but you have just been labeled far worse.

a_nicole11 0

wow , that must suckk balls :(

awww that sucks babee dump him! im sure ur too good for him anyway :)

op, are you sure he is your boyfriend?

nikkkkkki 0

time to dump him!!!!! or plot revenge :) hehe

leave him you Will be happier without him!