By Anonymous - 07/10/2010 06:29 - United States

Today, my boyfriend found out I have OCD. When I touch something with one hand I have to touch it with the other or I freak. After I brushed his face with the back of my hand he tackled me to the floor, held me down, and laughed at me while I panicked and tried to touch him with my other hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 346
You deserved it 16 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

whthe... surely you mean ex... why on earth would he think that would be funny? Oo....

so... if you accidentally touch a strangers butt- do you have to do it again?


Hopersz 0

I have the same thing and it sucks. I ve learned to control mine though and keep it under control as hard as it is. You jus have to act like its not there. Oh btw your bf sounds like a damn asshole. I would have beat his ass if I were u

Why is he an asshole? It's not even that much of a disorder, it's like someone who can't stop biting their nails when their nervous or people who swear a lot. If anything he was helping her.

You can't say that it's not that much of a disorder, it can affect people severely. And yes, it would be best if she could stop her OCD, however desensitisation process is slow, not sudden and in the way that happened in the FML.

redrovaa 0


Lilllly_1316 0

I think that is quite funny. Sorry OP.

It's a little funny to hear it happening to someone else in the abstract, but if I saw someone doing that, I would smack the shit out of them. That's pretty ****** up.

Kinda funny, but if I saw that happening, I'd probably punch the guy in the face. Also, 42, you just won the internets.

It's ok girl. I'd always let you touch me with both hands. ;)

I can't believe the number of c**ts putting "YDI"!! Do you also put YDI for people who have cancer? Or some other health issue? Douches. Btw, OP, I hope you dumped that colossal jerk. He deserves a swift kick in the butt.

fire_in_the_hole 0

what are you all saying that's reallllly funny good for him!

Chellington 5

I sincerely hope he was doing it because he either doesn't fully understand the concept of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or just to help you in some way to see that you don't have to do those things and things will be okay. For those of you who are claiming it's 'not much of a disorder' and 'sincerely funny', you want to try having it yourself. I've had OCD since I can remember, and it was diagnosed when I was 11. No one, apart from my family and boyfriend, know I have it. I don't tell people. I'm on anti-depressants for the OCD as well as depression, which again no one knows about apart from my boyfriend and one member of my family. It's much harder to cope with than you'd think. And yeah, there are those people claiming to have OCD who don't, but you get that with every illness. You just have to leave them to it. I really hope your OCD gets better, OP. :) I'm lucky in the fact that my boyfriend supports me. If he did that to me, I'd probably get really annoyed and then find it cute when I calmed down. ): I'm a soft touch.