By merpaderp14 - 09/09/2013 06:15 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend found out it makes a funny fart sound when he blows hard into my mouth in the middle of making out. I can't get him to stop doing it every time we kiss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 132
You deserved it 5 974

Same thing different taste


My boyfriend and I do that for fun >_

Next time, a quick flick of the scrote will kill his libido as much as what his actions do to yours.

Do it back to him, but when you're giving him a ********...?

Omg I do that with my gf a lot. Just to mess around with her. XDDDD Lmfao it's just a joke though. (:

well don't have sex with him, all the smacking of body parts leads to some crazy sounds. . .

I can see my boyfriend doing something like that, hahaha. He can do annoying shit and Won't stop. I'm sorry that you have one like that too, OP. Just tell em' you won't kiss him anymore until he stops or something :P

Lol I'm pretty sure he just playing around with you , he'll obviously get tired of it.

Sounds like Fred Flintstone to me...primitive and immature. If you have fun with it all is well, if you don't slap him so hard it knocks the crack clear off his ass!