By nadalada - 18/02/2009 08:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me a gift card for $32 to a local salon. I thought the amount was kind of random, but when I went in I saw that the bikini wax was $32. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 519
You deserved it 13 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was an amazingly clever hint. Kudos to your BF.

At least he's hinting at it instead of making a gross face and screaming next time your panties come off. He'll show his appreciation.


munkeebutt 0

What did u get him? Also he might be joking. I mean, you're the judge of that, but think about it. I'm sure he loves you very much, or at least enough to get u a present. My boyfriend wouldnt have even bothered to get me anything-why i dumped him. On the other hand, he's pretty good at sending a hint;lol!

Um i think you should take his hint...

Wow, jerk couldn't spring a couple more bucks for the tip too?

nicholasj96 9

Lol only get eyebrows, arms, and legs on purpose .

"I am now going to assault your mind with subliminal messages"

He's trying to tell you that he dosent like your bush

Just get the bikini wax, and make sure he knows, then don't have sex with him. Mwhahaaha