By whatsername92 - 01/02/2013 03:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen. As I excitedly put it on my finger, he told me it wasn't an engagement ring, but I should wear it like one to keep other men away and seem "unapproachable". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 535
You deserved it 4 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rddvl 11

if that's just a ring to keep others away, imagine what your actual wedding ring will look like!

Buy him an awesome new car and tell him, "Oh no, you're not allowed to drive it. I just want to keep it in your driveway so everyone thinks I have a rich boyfriend." Then keep the key in a lock box at the bank, just to be sure. Let's see how he likes it.


Why spend the money on a diamond ring then if he's not going to be engaged to you? To me it sounds completely contradictory & backwards. He only wants you for himself but he does a very serious gesture & takes a few steps back. Tell him you'll wear it when he actually proposes but that he should trust that you are 100% committed to him so he doesn't have to worry about other guys stealing you.

RuthlessTruth 9

Look at it this way, when he finally does propose, he'll just have to get you a better one ;D

I voted YDI cause you sound like a selfish bitch. "Oh no, my boyfriend bought me a beautiful ring that was probably very expensive! My life is so terrible." FFS, be grateful that he even gives you gifts like that.

I would actually love if a guy did that for me, lol.

blissed 5

with such a story, are you sure this was a real diamond ring OP? sometimes only a detecting device can tell, as crystals can look perfectly up to the standard.

Sooo he doesn't want to marry you, he just doesn't want anyone else to have u....he's a winner lol

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Your BF is lame. He's clingy and doesn't want to commit. Both are sorry traits in a life partner.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

He wants loyalty but has no intention of giving it.