By whatsername92 - 01/02/2013 03:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen. As I excitedly put it on my finger, he told me it wasn't an engagement ring, but I should wear it like one to keep other men away and seem "unapproachable". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 535
You deserved it 4 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rddvl 11

if that's just a ring to keep others away, imagine what your actual wedding ring will look like!

Buy him an awesome new car and tell him, "Oh no, you're not allowed to drive it. I just want to keep it in your driveway so everyone thinks I have a rich boyfriend." Then keep the key in a lock box at the bank, just to be sure. Let's see how he likes it.


Hey look on the bright side, if it's not an engagement ring you don't have to give it back if you split up

Pharmgrl03 9

Well look on the bright side, at least you were approachable before.

That's kinda weird. Bring the ring to jeweler and see how much it costs. If it is really expensive, then your boyfriend is not afraid to blow money on you, which is good. Who knows, maybe he wanted to give it as engagement ring then freaked out at the last moment. If the ring is cheap, however, this dude is really weird. He doesn't want to get engaged, and doesn't want to give you nice gifts BUT wants to keep other guys away from you... by giving you cheap ring. As a guy, I don't understand such behavior, but I do think that behaving this way is suspicious.

Aregonde 15

So you're upset because he didn't propose to you? Dear God. For the sake of our gender, will you please wake the hell up? How would you feel if your boyfriend peed on you to mark his "property" and keep other men away? Because that's exactly what he's doing here, except he's willing to pay extra to use diamonds instead of urine. That's not romantic. It's insulting and very disturbing. You are an adult and you are perfectly capable of choosing and honoring a committed relationship with your boyfriend, and if other guys make advances, you have a brain and a voice to say "no, thank you, I'm in a relationship." If you have chosen to be faithful to your boyfriend, then you deserve the gift of his TRUST--not the "gift" of a flashy, expensive ring that serves the same function as a collar on a dog and tells other people "look what I own, and look how much I paid for it." It's one thing if YOU choose to wear a fake engagement/wedding ring to ward off unwanted attention. I have friends who do that, and as long as it's for your own comfort and not to humor any possessiveness and paranoia on your boyfriend's part, I see no problem there. But the fact that your boyfriend spent all that money without your permission and with no regard for your feelings does not speak well of his attitude toward you and your relationship. You need to talk to him and find out why he did this. It could be that he made an honest, dickheaded mistake and is mature enough to correct it and be more mindful in the future. It could also be that this guy is a chauvinistic jerk who really thinks you're a stump to pee on. Don't wait until he proposes to you with a diamond-studded collar and leash.

I'm willing to give OP the benefit of the doubt and believe that the reason she is upset has more to do with being treated like a dog's favorite stump than with the non-proposal, but otherwise, spot-on analysis. OP, this guy sounds like a controlling douche. I'm not going to jump straight to "dump him," but you need to have a serious talk with this guy and make sure that he understands commitment is a two-way street and he needs to drop the possessiveness.

ranko77 1

What the heck? I would have politely declined and said, NO thank you!

RedPillSucks 31

pawn the ring and buy yourself a nice pair of eye (or nut) popping pumps.

joethebiden 8

Don't wear it then. Seems to me like you're in dire need of being approached by someone who's not a total fuckdouche.

Look at all the little psychologists on fml unraveling the secrets of the human mind lol. has no one considerd this might be OP's boyfriends way of saying I love you?

#76, if that's "his way of saying 'I love you'" then his way of saying "I love you" is creepy, posessive and more than a little bit concerning.