By whatsername92 - 01/02/2013 03:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me the most beautiful diamond ring I have ever seen. As I excitedly put it on my finger, he told me it wasn't an engagement ring, but I should wear it like one to keep other men away and seem "unapproachable". FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 552
You deserved it 4 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rddvl 11

if that's just a ring to keep others away, imagine what your actual wedding ring will look like!

Buy him an awesome new car and tell him, "Oh no, you're not allowed to drive it. I just want to keep it in your driveway so everyone thinks I have a rich boyfriend." Then keep the key in a lock box at the bank, just to be sure. Let's see how he likes it.


I would kiss him, say thank you, and put it on my OTHER hand, telling him that it isn't appropriate to wear it on my left, as it isn't a engagement ring. He has a right not to get engaged before he's ready, and giving pretty jewelry is nice, but to ask her fake engagement to keep other guys away is insulting to her integrity.

such a loving and considerate boyfriend.

skyeyez9 24

If you want to be married and your bf isn't interested (keeps postponing, refuses to talk about it...etc), keep your options open. Especially if you both have been dating a long time. My neighbor dated a guy for 10years before she finally gave up and left him. She is now happily married with two girls. Her ex bf kept putting the marriage date further and further down the road, making excuses. Unfortunately, she wasted 10yrs.

The_F3rris 11

It's just sad that some adult men want all the perks of dating and none of the committal issues that may come from it. I understand that communication might have something do with this type of situation but honestly, how many men or women for that matter would really stay with a person if on their first few dates that person just came out and said that they wanted to be married within a certain time frame and what they expected to come of this, the other person would most likely start running away quickly. I'm not saying that you two should have talked about this that early into the relationship, but hell at some point would be nice. The cell phone company probably has a better deal with him that you do.

Obryn 9

Buy yourself a nice gold chain and tell this turd you're going to wear it as a pendant until he can make the commitment he's asking you to make. You definitely deserve better.

What? Is he marking his territory? Tell him thanks for the ring & find another guy!