By Anonymous - 25/01/2011 00:30 - United States

Today, my boyfriend had to give me an enema. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 344
You deserved it 4 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How romantic. Maybe tonight you can return the favour.

FYLDeep 25

"Cumming in your backside" does not equal "enema".


I'm calling BS he did it on purpose for some clean rear action

hey I would do that too if I could get access through the back door.

newjerseyguy 0

i agree, i wanted clean anal action

I'm just not gonna think about this and go huddle in a corner. Anyone care to join me?

im assuming this was to get ur butt clean for some anal

FilthyJeepGirl 1
zivlaks 0

why is this in health? i'm presuming u were getting ready for anal...

It's great that you two are so close that he was OK with helping you out when you needed him most. But with friends like that, who needs enemas?