By stillfuckingcrying - 24/02/2013 21:20 - Sweden - Kristdala

Today, my boyfriend made me play Slender. I was so terrified, I stopped playing 10 minutes in. Tonight, I kept hearing noises outside. When I peered out through the window, a bald figure in a suit was staring back at me. I shrieked in absolute terror; he burst out laughing. It was my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 863
You deserved it 5 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is fabulous. I love your boyfriend

Time for scare pranks to begin OP. scare him every chance you get.


That's hilarious! And how could you be scared of it? It's just a game. A really fun game!

YDI for being scared of a game that isn't scary at all. Your boyfriend is hilarious though lmfao.

so because you don't find it scary, means it cannot be scary for anyone? Idiot.

backoffahole 3

Thats so messed up lol but funny as hell.

Read the comments, someone asked already and there should be enough explanations. Also: google.

Lol everyone says its so scary, it's not I'm a girl and I played and got all eight pages it's not tht bad slender is a myth and will always be god dammit

I'm just wondering, why do you feel you should mention you are a girl? I don't think that would change anything about playing Slenderman.

FurryRocks 10

It not even scary; I've played it. A scary game is amnesia the dark descent

FurryRocks 10

Then again I don't get scaried easy

Your boyfriend is a GENIUS. It's JUST a GAME. It's not even that scary. Get over it.