By Anonymous - 09/12/2012 14:53 - United States - Conroe

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years drunkenly introduced me to another very special lady. His wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 357
You deserved it 3 772

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Rocky007 15

YDI for being either being clueless or for deliberately being a homewreaker. .

Sounds like he's looking for a second companion and if she doesn't mind then he's going to have a sister wife situation. Get ready to be introduced to another girlfriend if he's with the both of you. Sister Wives 2 here you come.

Derpenstien 4

#29 People in polyamourous relationships are usually careful to tell new partners about the situation at the BEGINNING of a new relationship.

I hope for your sake, it was his wife legally only because he was already separated and his divorce being finalized took 4 years.

If that's the case, then OP's boyfriend still should have told her from the beginning. I told my boyfriend that I was still legally married the first night I met him.

KiddNYC1O 20
venomousddog 19

4 Years!?!?! I'm surprised his wife didn't find out, well at least you both know about the kind of guy he is.