By Anonymous - 09/07/2009 17:50 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend of 5 years admitted why his pet name for me is "his beautiful swan". Apparently, the first few years we were dating, he and his friends secretly referred to me as "the ugly duckling" because my sister was so much hotter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 512
You deserved it 3 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His friends are total assholes, but at least HE loves you, right ? :]

at least now he thinks you're beautiful, right? at least I hope so...


flyingpan8 0

o oo oo oo.oo.oo.oo.oo viva la mexico

no one can read. it was him AND his friends. get it? yes, he calls her his "beautiful swan" but behind her back he called her an ugly ducking. plus he was comparing her to her sister, which is ridiculous. i think the OP's life is pretty ******, because she learned that her boyfriend and his friends said meanish things about her, AND they thought her sister was hotter. anyone who has a sibling knows that competition between siblings is pretty fierce.

Singularity_fml 0

THANK YOU. Someone can finally read the FML properly!

some of the responses are pretty funny though. good post.

Aww that's kinda sweet tho....him not his friends! They are assholes.

Colby_Colbert 0

well your pet name could have been "wartcrotch" so take a compliment, sheesh

look how honest he's being. i think he's falling for ya. just shows you that ugly ducklings aren't what they appear. good on ya. if he's honest with this one he'll be honest with other things

rayray11 0

You like really need to brake up with him wow.