By Anonymous - 09/07/2009 17:50 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend of 5 years admitted why his pet name for me is "his beautiful swan". Apparently, the first few years we were dating, he and his friends secretly referred to me as "the ugly duckling" because my sister was so much hotter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 512
You deserved it 3 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His friends are total assholes, but at least HE loves you, right ? :]

at least now he thinks you're beautiful, right? at least I hope so...


Who cares what his friends think? He loves you and thinks you're beautiful. That's really ungrateful of you to think your life is ****** for having a boyfriend who calls you beautiful no matter what his friends say.

beser2468 0

The reason she is upset is because it says HE and his friends called her "the ugly duckling." It wasn't just his friends who created the cruel nickname, her boyfriend is also responsible. So yes, in a way, her life is ******.

that sucks girl, you should know better

It's okay. At least he's honest with you and probably views you in a completely different light than back then. If he's been with you for five years, this means that five years ago or even further back, he was probably just an immature boy, who only judged by looks. By now, with your relationship of five years, the two of you probably share a really intimate relationship. You should be just fine.

l33tm0nk3y 0

So what if he had his doubts at first? He's stuck with you this long, so obviously looks aren't his top priority anyway. And I would guess if he uses that pet name for you he really does think you're beautiful now. Quit being so goddamn shallow and whiny! You've clearly got a good thing going here!

Like #102 said, the important thing is that he didn't judge you by your sister, that he did stick with you, and (I assume) treats you well.

omg so totally me and my sister I'm the ugly one btw

It's ok, my boyfriend calls me his little piglet because my room is usually messy. But on the bright side he obviously thinks you're beautiful inside and out or he wouldn't have stuck with you this long.

GabMon 0

It sucks that his friends are mean like that, but in a way its a twisted compliment. he was saying that u, over time, transformed into a beautiful swan from an ugly duckling. butt he shouldn't have used ugly.