By weddinggirl - 27/08/2010 09:57 - Germany

Today, my boyfriend of 5 years finally asked me to marry him. He said: We could save taxes if we married.. what do you think? That was the most romantic thing he said to me in the last 2 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 418
You deserved it 10 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol. ydi for staying in a relationship with no romance. at least for ur end, try to spice things up


YDI for being with him. And YDIx100000 if you marry him.


littlebluepill 1

And you're still with him why?

You're complaining about him not saying anything romantic to you, and yet you're still with him....Do you not see a slight issue there, OP?

Funny... My taxes cause us to owe money once we were married. Fml