By Rolax - 06/11/2008 09:38 - France

Today, my boyfriend came up with this thrillingly romantic proposal: “I’m paying way too much income tax. How about we get married?” FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 418
You deserved it 6 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This could have just been his way of gauging your reaction. My fiance used to crack jokes like that all the time before he really proposed, because he wanted to see if I would get all freaked out that he said the "m" word. So maybe it was really a good thing?


mtp33557 0

We paid more taxes after marriage than before... if you both work.. you generally pay more

This could have just been his way of gauging your reaction. My fiance used to crack jokes like that all the time before he really proposed, because he wanted to see if I would get all freaked out that he said the "m" word. So maybe it was really a good thing?

MukyDaCookie 0

Sounds like a pretty well thought out proposal, did he also say that a ring would be a waste of money and that should go towards the kid, who you will raise in his mothers yard becuasae mortgage is a scam?

By the way you put it, I assume he was just kidding.

Itemized deductions anybody? They're a hell of a lot easier and more cost effective (at least for the man) than a bad marriage.

Lol, he wants to benefits really bad.