By ugh - 12/11/2014 03:31 - United States - Antioch

Today, my boyfriend of four years broke up with me over some rumors he heard about me. These rumors are from high-school, seven years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 254
You deserved it 3 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think he was just trying to find an excuse to break up with you. Because that right there is a load of BS.

They better be damn good rumours! But sorry for your troubles


trehauglid 2

Naa you know maybe they did make the right choice breaking up with you! You should of told them in the begging anyway if that you had rumors about you an, if they were real or fake!

MnM0609 22

I keep reading the comments, but I can't stop hearing 'Highschool Never Ends' in my head..

wrenavery90 12

I'm pretty sure he was just using that as an excuse.