By Canadagirl - 24/08/2017 01:30

Today, my boyfriend of seven and a half years broke up with me. By text message. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 299
You deserved it 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alucard724 9

Ah lovely lad! Some people don't have the decency or the guts to break up with their signifiant other face to face even after a long and serious relationship.


My daughter experienced that same thing - just before the 7 year mark. She's moved on and is happy that he is out of her life now. Hopefully your heart will heal soon

My husband of 18 years ended our marriage. By text message. I feel your pain. Cowards.

Wtf I get people breakup and get divorces but be a man or women and tell your significant other they might be hurt but at least they know how you feel. Also you don't have to go through a messy breakup/divorce

In March of 2015, I went to be, kissed my wife of over 20 years and told her I loved her. I woke up to an empty house and have seen her twice and spoken to her once since then.