By dumped - 14/12/2011 23:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend of two years broke up with me. Why? His best mate got dumped yesterday and my boyfriend thought it would be 'more fun' to be 'single lads together'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 399
You deserved it 3 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

obviously he never valued your relationship, you can do better(:

Turn "single lads" into "single ladies"! Time to have some fun!


Added to favorite because when I read this it made me think of british people.. Anyone else? Haha

why did it make you think of british people any more than the thousands of other UK posters? Also, the British Isles include all of Ireland, the UK (where OP is from) only includes Northern Ireland. So surely you mean it made you think of people from the UK?

geod69 8

He probably thought now he has a chance at his friend now go find a straight guy

Don't Worry, If You Ever Need A Shoulder, I'll Be There. ^_^

On the upside he is a great friend! He will come back soon enough when his mate meets someone else if you will have him...

chocomilkshake 5

Serious bromance there, he must really love him -_- Or that could've just been a really stupid excuse actually (I imagine a good friend would be angry and feel guilty to be the cause of that).

akichan15 5

when 'single lads together' turns into 'gay best mates'

TonyIsMyDog 2

"Wow" that 'really' sucks, I 'feel' so bad for 'you'. But maybe 'it' wasn't 'meant' to be if he broke up 'with you' just 'so' he 'could' have 'fun' with his best 'friend'. I 'hate it' when 'people' put 'words' in 'quotes' for no 'reason'.