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By sasquatch - 08/09/2012 04:03 - United States - Katonah

Today, my boyfriend requested that I shave my lips so I spent an hour in the shower carefully removing every trace of pubic hair. Turns out he wanted me to shave my moustache, not my carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 777
You deserved it 33 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lizza330 28

At least he didn't wax it off for you like that other guy did.

kate3101 15

Do not - and I can't emphasise this enough - DO NOT shave your face. You will end with stubble like a guy. Everyone has hair on their face, but if you don't want it, wax or use electrolysis. Don't touch shaving


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it's not really that obvious. You're not supposed to shave your upper lip anyway, it just leaves you with stubble (but op's boyfriend seems not to know this...)

Not neccessirly shaving it with a razor but there are a million way to remove upper lip hair!!!

Am I the only one feeling like the cat is screaming?

20 is right. OP's bf could have removed it while she was asleep.

Yes, 26. The cat's mouth is not even open.

Wait, stop. There's no comma after today in the FML!

You're really not suppose to shave down there cause the hair keeps it from getting dirty, without hair you can get it infected, such a blue waffle, nobody wants a blue waffle!

yoursucklives 36

nope. you're just as clean down there when you shave as when you don't.

1: Given that your name is pussycat, I suspect you aren't great with innuendo.

46- Um all the doctors and doctor shows I've seen say it's healthier to keep it clean down there, not necessarily completely hairless, but at least trimmed up. Hair also makes it easier to be dirty (ie scabies.)

46- this is 2012 we don't need pubic hair anymore. We now bathe. Well, I do anyway.

69... NO ONE should EVER google blue waffles. It will scar you for life!

And in 2012, some guy still find a woman with a bush incredibly sexy. I'm actually turned on more by a girl with hair than ccompletely smooth.

20- tell me how exactly you can shave with wax or various other methods. I'm pretty sure that shaving IS using a razor

rocketpopper1030 11

46, you're also clean down there if, you know, you wash it once in a while. Shaving it keeps it presentable. Cleaning it keeps it from getting it dirty.

Nvm. I didn't see the fml team comment later

46- I used Snopes on this one, and apparently, blue waffle doesn't really exist. The lesions may have been real, but no infection, fungal or bacterial, by itself makes skin turn blue. If anything, the poor woman whose labia in question suffered from blunt trauma down there, like punching or slapping. Either way, washing down there at least every few days never hurt anything.

#87- This actually makes sense to me! To be honest I don't understand why guys like a women completely bald down there, trimmed yes, but bald??? It just reminds me of a 9 yr old girl before she's hit puberty and kinda grosses me out! Go ahead and thumb me down because that's not the 'societal norm', but it's just my opinion and completely makes sense to me; seeing as the only naturally bald girls are pre-puberty.

528Alice491 3

Not the photo the name... The user is over "!"-ing. Lol

Lizza330 28

At least he didn't wax it off for you like that other guy did.

I remember seeing that wax thing on pranked, but it was an eyebrow. That girl wasnt pleased to say the least...

kittykat1501 31

Yea that guy wuz juss stuupid. Yes, I spelled that wrong on purpose

I'm sure he didn't complain. Miscommunication can sometimes lead to good things. You know that now.

wildsweetchild 19

Next time ask him to be, more specific...;)

That comma made me pause while reading your comment.

wildsweetchild 19

10-wasn't intended...can't edit through mobile app..:/

deadxwedding84 5

43, that's only possible on iPod or iPhone, if I'm not mistaken. My mobile is an android and no, it's not possible to edit.

After you post it you have like 200 seconds to edit it, just swipe across like you were to thumb it up or down, and then you will se a pencil with a countdown, press that and it will allow you to edit. You may have to back out of this FML to refresh it properly but it can be done (I know for the iPhone app, you probably can on android too but I'm not sure about blackberry)

kate3101 15

Do not - and I can't emphasise this enough - DO NOT shave your face. You will end with stubble like a guy. Everyone has hair on their face, but if you don't want it, wax or use electrolysis. Don't touch shaving

She's right, stubble on a man, very nice, on a woman, not so good!

What if op put nair on it? Would that work? I'm a guy so don't hate if I'm wrong, but it seems like that would work...

My girlfriend hates Nair. She used it on her legs once and it left her with large painful red spots on her legs for about a week. I can't imagine if she used it on any type of sensitive area..

I thought 78 and 88 both spelt hair wrong for a second haha

92- No they didn't, but you spelled "spelled" wrong.

No, spelt and spelled are both allowed, one is European, one is American. It's like honour, and honor.

Silent_Thrill 17

#8- I wish you told me that before I decided to shave my ass hair off...

She was an eager beaver and didn't wait...

You must have a weird mindset if the word 'lips' reminds you on the first place to your lips down under. Also, an hour? What did you do, pluck them out one by one?

SystemofaBlink41 27

12- for all we know she could have had a rainforest down there...

Dothewiggleyeah 0
biglittlehead 12

A lion is a cat technically, so the lion does sleep tonight.

Oh that is so sad. Why are you doing as you are told? Have you lost your self along the way? Please find yourself soon. You are better than him girl friend.

jisaac09 25

Just because a girl spends time to please someone does not mean she has no self respect or self worth. A relationship is give and take. Being clean shaven down there seems to mean little if anything to most women, most shave it regardless of relationship status, but it may mean a lot to their guy. That is the beauty of a relationship, one side puts in a little extra effort to make the relationship stronger. Also, I don't expect my girl to chock on pubes if I want oral pleasure, and she gives me the same courtesy.