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By Prinpette - 20/09/2011 21:20 - France

Today, to show that he really wanted me to shave myself, my boyfriend pretended to go down on me, but instead of following through, he stuck a wad of gum in my pubic hair and got back up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 364
You deserved it 40 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, does everyone forget pubic hair is perfectly natural? If you think it's "gross", you're probably not old enough to touch a ******. Everyone has personal preferences but it's amazing how many people seem to think that it's some unspoken rule for chicks to shave EVERYWHERE.


tylersign 11

Well, if you shaved, then his clever tactic worked.

Haha I lawled when I found out this FML was posted from France. We all know how french people are with their body hair...

Well this FML was posted from France. We all know the reputation of French people and body hair... Not very good. Lol.

krazy_glu3 0

Why couldn't he just suggest it up front? 'hey babe... It's ******* out of control down there. Please shave cousin It off'.

Dear 23.... That's not what the urethra is for. Also, you're sick... From- Men everywhere

Dear 34, Gum up the penis hole actually makes the penis grow! I swear, I just saw an infomercial talking all about it. Sincerely, DrIDGAF

U may say it's not hot but Patrick looks pretty into it

Marcella1016 31

Why do they close comments on some FMLs? They closed comments on the FEMA one a couple hours ago and I remember them closing comments really recently on an evolution FML. Censorship? O_O And if so what the hell are they censoring, trolling??

I'm surprised that he still went down on you, cause no one likes the feeling of a bush.

Come on guys my Allis is Adolfo. Adolfo Oliver Bush

enonymous 8

Bear Grylls with a machete made out of his own tibia wouldn't dare trek thru that let alone go down on you.

SW500 13

I've accidentally done that to myself. It didn't hurt to take off, but it was awkward...

Nastyyyy...I'd never have my boyfriend go down on me unless I'm freshly shaved..

Shave your shit!!! Fricking Chewbacca over here...

SHAVE. It's not that hard or time consuming.

Incredibly_Dope 0

Well at least he was trying to be nice about it

JTHolloway200 0
queenb1621 21
1215116a 14

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Cookiee04 15

she shouldn't have to shave just because he wants her to. It's her body. And most guys don't shave so how can they expect a girl to shave?

treewolf 5

@345 she'll shave if it means she'll get head and won't turn her bf off. Stop trying to turn this into "its her body, dont tell her what to do" bullshit.

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YdoIhaveAchode 4

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jawaqueen 1

Just shave, it's not that big of a deal

jhashj 0

... Unless you have sensitive skin and relentless hair. It'll be silky smooth for a day, then cactus like prickly, and then red, bumpy, and itchy... Yay for ingrown hairs! Making ever lick still not worth it

Babydoll4ever 7

126- you can put a no scent deoderant down there and it'll help get rid of the ingrown hairs and red irritation.:)

boredblonde 17

That embarrassment could have been avoided.....if you had shaved.

Cereal_Is_Good 5

Obviously. The FML is here because OP didn't shave. Don't comment just for the sake of commenting.

I think that the FML here is that OP has such an inconsiderate boyfriend that he cares about that her ****** looks like a tumbleweed. What matters mist is what's inside! Aw what am I kidding I hate hairy vaginas.

boredblonde 17
Cereal_Is_Good 5

Don't say stupid things in your comments and I won't correct you.

boredblonde 17

Don't attempt to be smart and I won't sass you.

It's not attempting to be smart when everyone around you naturally is just.. Smarter..

Don't comment for the sake of commenting? So what are we doing here? Are we actually saying stuff that we think will be meaningful to the person who wrote the FML? Nope. So nice try on "correcting" someone on this site. Damn. I bet you're proud.

jowho 0

64- thank you. Ur comment was hilarious. I think ppl forget this is a funny site. God ppl amuse me.

Petunia888 13

Why did people thumb this down? She's right.

#28 Your profile pic and description had me laughing for good! Haha!

Cereal_Is_Good 5

64- It's obvious why the FML is on here: OP didn't shave. So why do people think that stating the obvious is in any way a good comment? It's like people who talk constantly just to hear the sound of their voice; it's obnoxious and unnecessary.

iloveparc 0

damn guys less all stfu, blondie is 100% right

247-Well if you can't stand when people post comments like that, don't even read comments. Don't expect everyone to "follow your rules". This site is ment for laughter and silliness, not for strictness and demanding people. Just relax and have a laugh and move on with your day.

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Hey, does everyone forget pubic hair is perfectly natural? If you think it's "gross", you're probably not old enough to touch a ******. Everyone has personal preferences but it's amazing how many people seem to think that it's some unspoken rule for chicks to shave EVERYWHERE.

They don't have to shave EVERYWHERE... just in places that aren't their scalps is all we ask for. ;)

49, I agree with you about preference(: but Ex: I've seen guys with nose hairs sticking inches out of their nostrils and I find that gross since it's unkept even though it's natural. I feel the same way about freakish long finger nails. It doesn't need to be shaved.... just maintained. And my guy shaves/trims, also for me.(: to each their own.

a_nutritionist 10

hey so long as you can live with your partner never going down there because you choose to enforce your "but its natural" policy then fine. its your body and you have a right to keep it as you wish. but yeah, "its natural" is really no longer an acceptable excuse for anything. otherwise we should just stop fighting cancer cos, "its natural".

Petunia888 13

If you're gonna use the "it's natural" bs excuse, then ladies: stop shaving your legs. Any takers? No? Didn't think so. I don't blame OP's bf for what he did. I wouldn't go down on that shit either. Nobody wants pubic hair stuck in their mouth.

Body odors natural, deodorant isnt. There is no poutine tree, or perfume river. ******** in the forest is natural.

ReynshineCutting 10

I don't use the "natural" excuse but do people just not realize that shaving can hurt like hell? For some of us it causes so much irritation that walking becomes painful. Then you get 20 ingrown hairs and every guy wants to see 20 red spots on their girl's vag. I stay trimmed but **** shaving. I'm not going to walk around in pain just to please my man, and he's totally fine with how I groom. OP could be trimmed but her boyfriend wants a **** star instead.

missbadluk 0

I completely agree. Or let's just stop shaving our armpits cause some fool wants to try and post that it's "unnatural". Um no. Gross. Oh and let's also NEVER wear make up. Or put shit in our hair to make it sit the way we want it to. What a stupid comment. If you want to mention something being natural then why not mention it all? Dumb. GROSS. At least trim your nasty shit down there. Jeez.

Oh wow, you're a smart one, 238. First of all, not all women shave. or wear a ****-ton make-up. or put 34532 pounds of product in their hair. I know, amazing, right? I'm sorry you're insecure or just really ******* ugly, but not all of us are. I promise you that many of us, and our partners, are plenty happy. Guess what? Pubic hair isn't nasty, and plenty of men PREFER some hair, because they want a WOMAN, not a girl. Obviously no one wants a scraggly, infested mop, but you don't need a brazilian to be sexy. Please crawl out from under your rock.

Lawl I didn't think people would get pissy over this. I personally don't give a flying **** where/if people shave, I just think it's stupid that it's considered "gross" if they don't. Shaving legs and armpits for women is a social norm only because people have made it so. Sure, if some women want to not shave their legs cause it's natural, more power to them, it's a pain in the ass. Also.. not every girl cakes their face with makeup and uses an assload of hair product.

I didn't know there were people retarded enough to believe they're more adult for neglecting to groom themselves

Coeliacchic93 21

I don't shave, I just trim and my boyfriend still loves to go down on me. I would never ask him to shave just as he wouldn't ask me. He likes it natural, I just trim so it doesn't get too much lol