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By virginwhore - 18/01/2015 06:29

Today, my boyfriend's dad called me a whore and said I'm trying to use his son and "steal" his virginity for my own needs. My boyfriend has had sex with over 10 girls and I'm a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 040
You deserved it 3 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You and your boyfriend need to have a serious talk with his dad about being respectful. Name calling is so immature and childish, especially when they insult you as a person.

You sure you're not the one being robbed of innocence?


incoherentrmblr 21

What a paradox, OP being a virgin yet a *****, and this comment ^...

_delaneybear 20

Ten girls? That's a lot OP. I'm sorry your boyfriends dad rude. Feel better!

I was thinking the same exact thing! obviously his father isn't aware of what his sons up to

Its a lot when his dad thinks he's a virgin. There's a huge difference between never having sex and having sex with 10 girls.

#21 I bet you probably havent even had sex with over 10 people

I bet 21 hasn't even slept with one girl.

You and your boyfriend need to have a serious talk with his dad about being respectful. Name calling is so immature and childish, especially when they insult you as a person.

A talk is not good enough. She deserves an apology!

Not being pessimistic, but I've had some experience with men like this, and I doubt an apology will happen. It's a sad state of affairs, but some idiots think they are justified in their verbal abuse.

It's always disheartening seeing people like this though. She really is owed an apology and it's rather disgusting of him to insult her that way when he clearly knows nothing about her. Hopefully the boyfriend stuck up for her and said something to his father, personally I'd be furious if anyone talked to someone important to me that way.

I agree. All parents have this warped view of how their child's lives are its not fair for him to assume OP is a bad person

Helldemon 32

It's kind of funny, if it was the daughter of the father and he was insulting the boyfriend this way(which gets posted all the time on here) noone would be having such a fit

@62 yes they would be, and many would probably be calling the girl a **** as well

Yeah, some parents just have to face the music and see what their children really are

First father to not just give his son a passing nod and smile for doing the dirty

Time to casually drop some truth... ?

He isnt a player just because he's had sex with a lot of people. It could have just been casual sex.

Sex should be something that people who love each other should share. 10 people is a lot of people.

Well said 45. It's unlikely he loved each one and i would just say she needs to be careful at the least.

Rawrshi 25

45: Sex should be between people who want to have sex. Love doesn't have to be involved if the people involved don't want it to be. Some people just like casual sex. It feels good and it's fun. Some people just don't want to be complicated with love. As long as protection is used and everyone involved is happy/consenting, who cares? Besides, it was never explained whether or not he did love those women at the time.

#41 is clearly either a tard or a ****. ten is a

Ten is a lot? I haven't quite hit that number, but is that number 'a lot' for early-to-mid twenties or a 50-year-old? To me the number doesn't seem big at all. It's just big by contrast to virginity.

Thank you 70. There's nothing wrong with casual sex. And ten isn't a lot compared to the amount of partners (at least people where I'm from) are having now a days. Also, maybe it's just me, but isn't a player someone who plays people so they can sleep with them? We don't know if OPs bf played the females he had sex with or if was just consenually casual.

TanzWolf 26

But was it safe sex or not? I don't care if you've ****** 10 girls or 100, but if even one of them wasn't safe sex, then nope. You're getting tested.