By wronged - 08/07/2011 08:41 - Singapore

By wronged - 08/07/2011 08:41 - Singapore
By virginwhore - 18/01/2015 06:29
By WonderWall09 - 08/05/2009 16:23 - United States
By the other woman - 26/06/2018 01:30
By Anonymous - 09/07/2016 23:31
By jennahh - 10/07/2019 22:00
By InsomniacToBe - 19/07/2012 15:55 - United States - Saint George
By whattheHellman - 23/10/2022 09:00 - Australia - Traralgon
By awkwardmandy - 11/03/2016 18:28 - United States - Okeene
By wtf - 20/02/2021 05:01
By Scorned - 16/09/2018 06:00
dump him.
Why is the first response to always dump someone? Maybe you should try to work it out first?
Which stupid person gave this comment a thumb down? Number one is absolutely right. He sounds like someone you will regret deeply, OP, so please, for your own sake, dump him. Now it's scolding, tomorrow it's beating. Get out now you still can.
she should dump him. that's a pretty damn big red flag right there. she should save herself the trouble and end it now. by the sounds of it, it's probably a highschool relationship as well which of 99% of them go nowhere. better to just end it now and find a more sane guy. or better yet just stay single
He should win.
ydi for telling him
the ex bf is using inception to make him dump op. damn genious
5, if this is his normal behavior, then yes, she should dump him if he's so insecure and paranoid. 38, she deserves it for telling him what? Moron. OP, you should probably dump him if he does this kind of thing a lot.
38 - It was the BOYFRIEND'S dream.
lol for once dump him is actually not a bad idea. this is definitely a sign of some mental instability or at least...a complete idiot. i mean hey, if you wanna date someone with an iq resembling his shoe size then by all means, keep the relationship going. but if you want someone whos capable of rational thought, get the **** out. you cant communicate intelligence.
If she had to write an FML post about her boyfriend then she should dump him
this reminds me of my friend's mom who had a dream that her son eloped and had a baby, so she called him and told him that she "knows what he did".
Uh no #5 they should NOT try to work it out. When I was 17 I went through almost exactly the same thing. I was a virgin and dating a guy that somehow became convinced I was ******* all of his friends, and started screaming that I was a *****. I didn't end it, and guess what? It got physically violent. OP, the guy is psycho. Get rid of him.
not when the dude demonstrates such douchebaggery
Red flags. Red flags everywhere.
wow, atleast he dreams of you(: that's kind of sweet.... but as for dreaming of your ex...
It doesn't say OP dreamed of her ex. It says OP's boyfriend dreamed of OP and OP's ex having sex.
I dont think the situation is sweet at all. In fact, I think it's scary and the dude is an a**hole. it's men like him who become monsters.
well it might be time to give it to him and reassure him that he is the guy. if that isnt an option dump him
Let me get this straight...If my boyfriend had a dream about me sleeping with someone else, and they instantly call me a *****, thats the cue for me to have sex with him? Clearly there is something wrong with you.
130- Well he is a freak of nature.
is a movie!
and not a good one
either OP or her ex used inception to plant the dream in OP's bf's mind:D
either OP or her ex used inception to plant the dream in OP's bf's mind:D
ok wtf a DREAM he called you a ***** and threatened to break up with you for a DREAM?! Thats messed up dump him if hes gonna be havin dreams and thinkin it happens.... Crazy boy
you're still a virgin -- theres the problem.
better a virgin than a *****
Oh boy, virgin-shaming and ****-shaming together in one thread! Do tell us, O Wise Men, when and how often should we have sex to avoid being stigmatized for it? Apparently sexual freedom was a myth and I never realized it.
you're still an idiot -- theres the problem. I don't think your stupidity can be fixed though. :-(
gosh... I was just saying it's not good to be a *****. I wasn't pointing any fingers.
musicalhog- I agree with you completely. Whitewoods- it's not a problem when you font know the AGE of the OP, for all you know she could be 13 or 73. i can see why YOU would have a problem with it tho..... *snap*
Regardless what opinion about virginity is, it's fairly obvious that the majority of people dislike ******.
thats why thats your username?
dump him.
wow, atleast he dreams of you(: that's kind of sweet.... but as for dreaming of your ex...