By countrygirl0118 - 17/12/2009 22:30 - United States
countrygirl0118 tells us more.
HI AGAIN I'M THE OP! first off the coat is nonrefundable, and I got him it because we do live in a harsh area and he has to walk to work wearing a million sweatshirts at the moment. second, no he doesn't live with his folks, we live together so in a way it would be for me too but i thought the coat had a more pressing need. third, i had discussed with his sister and his brother in-law that no, i was not getting him a PS3 until his birthday because blistering cold takes precedence over playing games. AND i had said if you really want to get him a game that's fine, but he won't be able to use it til February. THEN his mother called me, and told me about them all buying him games. I said to her on the phone, "I've already bought him a nice coat and was waiting til his birthday for the game system." She then said, "Oh, well I knew that, but we knew you'd probably want to get him the system too since we've all bought him games." One game is okay, but everyone buying him a game makes it look ridiculous and then he'll have all these games and not be able to use them for 2 months. ALSO i don't want to fight with his mother. This is the first Christmas I'm spending with them and on top of it his dad has bone marrow cancer and lymphoma and has chosen to stop his chemotherapy treatments, so this may be the last Christmas they all have as a family. So I'm not going to cause a fight. FINALLY, all you who commented calling me spineless, maybe you should learn to reserve comments like that considering that sometimes you cannot fit all of the story into the text space provided. But I guess your bad behavior must be a product of your upbringing. Very poor manners. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Top comments
oh honey this is just the beginning... she will continue to manipulate you for ever UNLESS you get on her level. i know why do that well because these types of mothers dont get it when you say no, literally, my mother-in-law never got it when she would make something up that i was to do! i ended up being the b*tch for saying anything! so i got down to her level and she doesnt know what to think! i.e. when my husband first joined the military and was in basic training she would only call to find out how many letters i wrote him vs her... i would tell her but she wouldnt tell me how many... guess who won... of course! now i play real dumb with her and SO SHOULD YOU! unfortunately you will have to by saying oh i thought you were getting the ps3 didnt we dicuss that at (insert when you did) oh well i dont have the money for it bc i thought you were getting it for him! oh well he will learn his lesson by not telling everyone to buy him one! works everytime to shut her up!
unless you said that's what you were getting she shouldn't have assumed you were getting it. Give him the coat and a game and then say to his mum on christmas day "i thought you said you were buying the PS3". Turn her scam back on her
You could have made them all look like idiots but instead you went along and spent more for a PS3 after you already got him a gift. Should have just told him, sorry already got him a coat, buy it yourself.
um, seriously? why didn't you just say you didn't get him a PS3? she can't get angry at you for not buying one! if she wanted him to get one for christmas, she can ******* buy one herself. she shouldn't assume you were buying him one unless you said you were... and if you did tell her that... you stuffed up a little.
your boyfriends mom is a dumbass who goes out and buys a bunch or expensive games without even checking if you had bought a ps3 yet? I'd tell her off u shouldn't have to come up with the money for her mistake
#70 that's right, I have a ps3 for gaming, xbox360 I want it better gaming console, ps3 better all round, not for gaming. stuff the family, give him a xbox in a coat fir all those long nights of gaming get him modern warefare 2
what do you get when you take an xbox360, downgrade the graphic by a tenth, make all of your game characters look like ******* retarded stick figures and remove the multiplayer. a Wii. Nintendo gets an F in enjoyability and an A in marketing a piece of junk
HI AGAIN I'M THE OP! first off the coat is nonrefundable, and I got him it because we do live in a harsh area and he has to walk to work wearing a million sweatshirts at the moment. second, no he doesn't live with his folks, we live together so in a way it would be for me too but i thought the coat had a more pressing need. third, i had discussed with his sister and his brother in-law that no, i was not getting him a PS3 until his birthday because blistering cold takes precedence over playing games. AND i had said if you really want to get him a game that's fine, but he won't be able to use it til February. THEN his mother called me, and told me about them all buying him games. I said to her on the phone, "I've already bought him a nice coat and was waiting til his birthday for the game system." She then said, "Oh, well I knew that, but we knew you'd probably want to get him the system too since we've all bought him games." One game is okay, but everyone buying him a game makes it look ridiculous and then he'll have all these games and not be able to use them for 2 months. ALSO i don't want to fight with his mother. This is the first Christmas I'm spending with them and on top of it his dad has bone marrow cancer and lymphoma and has chosen to stop his chemotherapy treatments, so this may be the last Christmas they all have as a family. So I'm not going to cause a fight. FINALLY, all you who commented calling me spineless, maybe you should learn to reserve comments like that considering that sometimes you cannot fit all of the story into the text space provided. But I guess your bad behavior must be a product of your upbringing. Very poor manners. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
i read your whole story - i still wouldn't have bought him the PS3. I would have said to the mother, quite politely, if you'll purchase the PS3, I'd be happy to give it to him for Christmas so he can play all the games you bought. Unfortunately, as I told you before, I bought him a new coat, and I don't have the funds to buy him a PS3 as well. If this is his dad's last Christmas, then it shouldn't be about presents at all. It should be about spending time together as a family. Not his stupid mom who bought a bunch of games for a system he doesn't even have. F his mom's life for making Christmas so commercial.
May sound heartless, but I still think its inappropriate for the bf's mother to expect OP to buy him a ps3 in addition to a coat. You don't buy someone a car stereo and ask their SO to buy the car! This puts the OP in the ultimate uncomfortable position of having to stand up to the mother, or fork over $200 (I don't know exactly how much ps3's cost, but I'm guessing their around that range). I would still politely say that I've chosen another gift though. If you let the mother walk all over you now, wait until (if) you marry him!
Based on what the mother said, I wouldn't believe her about the cancer either. YDI for dating a hillbilly.
Wow, if she already KNEW you weren't buying a PS3 and then went and bought games anyway, and THEN told you to go buy it, then that is one manipulative mother! If you can't afford it, then you can't afford it, and it'll be them that's embarrassed when he wonders why they bought him games when he doesn't have a PS3. I think you should talk to your boyfriend about it. Yeah, it might ruin the "surprise" of a present, but you don't have to tell him you're getting him a coat. You just have to tell him you're NOT getting him a PS3 Or weren't going to. Or something like that. Maybe he'll decide to buy his own PS3.
His mom was still playing you I guess. And if it was with me I would be pretty pissed of but would have probably done the same thing you did. fyl OP and I hope your mother in law isn't such an asshole as she proved herself this one time.
Why are people so mean on this site? Countrygirl0118 I feel for you! I would have done the same thing in your situation! I hope for the best with your boyfriends father! Take care!
dude who does she think she is 'assuming' you got him a ps3. FYL
Seems like the simpler solution would have been to, you know, set her straight on the fact that you hadn't bought him a PS3. Either that, or your boyfriend's mom is scheming you to save them from having to buy the PS3 themselves.