By Anonymous - 03/04/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend sent me a text telling me to turn the radio on to a certain station. When I did, there was a talk show on, and the host was ranting about how important it is for women to control themselves and not be emotional. My boyfriend continued texting me, asking if I was listening. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 202
You deserved it 14 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Slayer_fml 0

Yes, it's very important for us women to not be emotional and to just shut up and listen to our men. Emotions, you see, are not natural parts of life, but irrational outbursts that we must learn to control! Your bf is a jackass.


Either he's a dick or really funny. I'm sorry, maybe he IS a dick, but I laughed at this one.

lmfaoo.. funny, but not an FML. why is everyone so sensitive? get a sense of humor; i swear, the lot of you won't make it very far in life if you're so damn serious all the time.

I believe you just got PWN'd with a side helping of BURN! I'd laugh at that instead of getting upset.

if youre that unstable he probably has a point... or is scared to tell you to your psycho face :p im sure the talkshow said in moderation not to cut off emotions altogether.

If this is what I think it was, the radio station was pulling an April Fools joke.

And #8, I'm sorry, but you are can't sue anyone for stating their opinion, no matter how wrong it is.

earwig12 1

If he was being serious, then yes, that's a dick move. But the way in which he did it makes it sound to me like he was joking with you. For all the people who said to dump him, you are all terrible people who I hope I never have to talk to. I bet your lives are filled with drama over things that really should be no big deal. Your boyfriend sounds like a keeper. He's a funny guy. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to chill the **** out.

Okay, you have the right to be emotional and whatever you want. Maybe you should tell your boyfriend to suck it up and that it's a one package deal. You shouldn't change anything about you for anyone cause I'm pretty sure that you are perfect the way you are. (=