By distressed - 05/11/2010 23:36 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend started his first day of work. After saying our goodbyes, I went into our bedroom to get changed, picked up one of my blouses and found a camera, still recording. I guess someone has major trust issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 512
You deserved it 4 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lizza330 28

I don't think people are allowed to do that.

Qluz 3

i was expecting something kinky, like a sex type :( but yeah. lovely boyfriend


chelle_starlight 0

let's not jump to conclusions now...perhaps you just forgot to turn it off after what you two did last night...

What would make you go straight to the trust issues conclusion?? Maybe he just wanted to tape you 2 having sex..ever think of that??

Bees_fml 0

That's what I thought. It's odd she assumed it was a trust thing. It's also odd that she said she did all the goodbyes, but that's probably just a grammar thing.

even so, its weird to be filmed in your own house without even knowing it. he probably has other films

rosary143 1

Maybe she didn't have sex at all last night

princesshope 0

hmmmm.....that's a little unnerving. I would confront him about it. Especially if you have never done anything wrong to make him suspicious before. You need to find out where this insecurity is coming from.

Are you sure it's due to trust issues? Maybe it's a matter of personal performance and he wants to see himself in action. That or he'd like some extra pocket change.

someone's gunna to end up on a websiiite ;)

wwerulez14 6

And when it does, request 50% of all the profits it makes or they can't use it.

lemfrogs 0

I'm guessing you're having trouble trusting him now?

restythestar 0

someone is trying to make a fortune out of a hot steamy sex..