By Anonymous - 27/09/2011 15:56 - United States

Today, my boyfriend still couldn't work out where my clitoris is. It's RIGHT THERE, you idiot. I've pointed it out, but each time it's like he needs a compass and a map or something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 700
You deserved it 13 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

steve247 2
orgasm_blush 4

Hmmm. How old are you guys I feel like that might play a big part in this.


jsturaveragegirl 5

Wow it sounds like a 12 year old wrote this. Worst-written fml ever

Corry_fml 1

How much do you weigh..??? Is that why he can't find it... Just a possibility ...

SwtCherryPie 26

why would people be down voting this one... its is a totally viable explanation as to why he could have a hard time finding it... if he's gotta move rolls and excess skin outta the way it could be hard to find

GatorPiss 2

I don't think he wants to go down on you.

The same thing happened to me except he asked where it was.

The same thing happened to me except he asked where it was.

trskln 1

Perhaps he simply likes to watch YOU touch it when you are "showing" him where it it !!!

Anti09 1

Why is everyone ragging on the OP? If it were her bf who posted this, saying "today, I still couldn't find my gf's clit, fml" everybody would be making fun of him for being clueless and (apparently) blind. The clit is not that hard to find, anybody who can't find it is either too young to be having sex or so innocent that they've apparently never seen ****.

SwtCherryPie 26

he doesnt have to be necessarily young or 'too innocent to have seen ****'... its very possible she's the first girl/woman he has ever been with and regardless of whether your are 15 or 45 if you are still a virgin its going to be a learning process... and the **** thing doesnt make sense... since when is it a requirement to watch **** to be considered an adult

metalcoremaster 4

Sorry meant to give u a thumb up