By Anonymous - 09/01/2012 02:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend texted me saying he had left a surprise on my driveway. Thinking it was something special, I went outside to look. It was a little bag of mayonnaise packets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 099
You deserved it 3 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you have a dog? They're pretty good at leaving surprises on driveways also.


Jewnut 0

Lol hella cute. Do you happen to like mayo?

Are you sure that was mayonnaise in the packets? It could've been something else...

I was trolling through the comments just waiting for someone to say that...

Give him a box of wrapped up ketchup packets for valentines day.

blacknail3dfr3ak 3
GoW_Chick 14

He gave you mayonnaise, so now go make him a sammich, he deserves it for all his hard work collecting them...

AllyyK 9

That's umm.. sweet? Did he seriously think a bag of mayonnaise packets would be a great surprise and that you'd be happy about it? I just hope he was trying to be funny and wasn't serious, otherwise FYL .. It is kinda funny though :)