By Kitty - 23/04/2009 08:54 - Singapore

Today, my boyfriend told me he needed to reconsider coming to see me for financial reasons. I'm the one paying for the airfare, giving him a place to stay, and covering his expenses while he's here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 089
You deserved it 6 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Courtnaayy 0

Tell him he needs better excuses [: Look on the bright side, MAYBE he feels bad for you, because you pay everything and wants a girl where he can be able to pay also. Or maybe he is just a gold digger. Good Luck though xD

he's just trying breakup up with you subtly, take a hint?


Nobody is that stupid. Obviously, you're hurting his wallet elsewhere. Not airfare or lodging.

bwbabe09 0

ooooooo hunnie you need a man who can buy you some bling bling!

Legz 0

@15: did you even read the post. She IS paying the bills.

vanityinsanity 0

1) he's trying to break up with you 2) he wants to feel like a "man" and be able to pay himself for the airfare etc. it sounds like he doesn't have his life together...maybe you should re-evaluate the relationship...

NightsVelvet 0

Nope he's just a lazy cheap louse.

he's using you get out of it!!eeew! dead beat guys.....brush them off

he probably feels bad about you paying all the time. but get a boyfriend that lives near you..

wow what a deadbeat lazy ass dump him he should put his pants on grow up and start working then you tell him he owes you for EVERYTHING! lol