By MissNoFuture - 20/06/2011 07:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he's been having doubts, but he still wants to stay with me. I asked him why he had been so nervous about us and he replied, "I don't know, just thinking about a future with you makes me feel nauseous". We've been together over 2 years now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 178
You deserved it 4 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you obviously need to get out of this relationship, don't marry unless your in love.

He might not have meant that a future with YOU makes him feel that way, but in general the idea of spending his future with SOMONE that makes him nervous. Kind of normal to have doubts when it comes to that kind of decisions. But hey I might be wrong so in that case yea FYL


clouds7 0

well he still has more time to think about it :) and hopefully he thinks differently later on :)

You spin his head right round, right round, when you go down go down...

MissBunnyWillEat 11

You must be speaking from experience, marinus.

flighted 1

I caught what you meant there, mr marinus. chick above me, however, did not. however, said chick's comment was funny. so I one-upped it

MissBunnyWillEat 11

Honey, I caught what he meant. Stop trying to be one of those fucktards who orgasms when they catch a somewhat hidden meaning. I'm glad you can comprehend things, though. I bet your mother is proud.

flighted 1

Wow ********, way to be an overly serious ****. it's called a joke and I even complimented your comment. I take it back your comment is SHIT go **** yourself, and go take some Xanax bitch

MissBunnyWillEat 11

Thank you, thank you. Flattery will get you everywhere.

flighted 1

Lol wow, So clever, so funny. get off FML once in your life and get a ****** life. It doesn't matter if some people on this APP think you're cool, you'll still have no friends outside of it.

flighted 1

And you might wanna loosen up that weave, it seems to be getting to your head.

MissBunnyWillEat 11

You're on this site, too. How does that imply that I have no life? You, good sir, must not have one either. For your information, people on this site do not think I'm cool. They don't think you're cool either. I have a life, thank you. Your comment really cut me deep down to the core. I may cry. Really. I am so sad. Boo-*******-hoo. Go get laid, and stop commenting back, bro. Nothing I say is relevant or literal. It seems you didn't know that based on my past comments. Goodbye.

MissBunnyWillEat 11

Also, I prefer my weave tight as ****.

briidontgive_ 0

Flighted just stop.... Please.

flighted 1

Bro. Yeah cause I'm totally a dude, bitch. You know, and your fckin profile tells me just how much of a FML ball hopper you are, so don't even deny it. I however don't have a list of people on FML who are "cool" so don't even try it. Lol, well that sucks. You even KNOW all of your attempts at being cool on a phone app has gotten you nowhere. Yes, I fully agree. You aren't cool, and the more you try in commenting to be cool makes me laugh. Now "Goodbye." go loosen up that thing before it makes you a bigger forehead.

MissBunnyWillEat 11

"bro", is a term that I use for either guy or girl. I didn't know it would offend you. Perhaps you should remove the tampon from your ass? Just a suggestion. Also, we should both stop filling the comments section with shit. It will just piss off the mods. Maybe you haven't realized this by now, but nothing you say will affect me. Oh, I don't care if you hate the very sight of me. I seriously don't give a ****. So, let's go our separate ways and let it be. Let's pretend we are somewhat mature for about five minutes. Just for laughs and giggles.

flighted 1

Wow, "bro" you are so funny. Look at you, gotta have the last word. And I couldn't give a shit if I "pissed off the Mods," I ain't riding their dick like you are. And if YOU haven't noticed nothing you say will affect me either. You know, if you are really attempting to be "mature" or in other words, trying to stay cool with the mods, then why don't you just stop responding? Or must you have the last word?

Kudos to MissBunny for trying to stop the whole "argument". *claps*

Give him some space and some Dramamine. Hopefully, he will come back to you when his stomach settles.

jadejazmyn 5

2 years is just not too long compared with a whole life, that's not horrible. Why would you put this pressure on your reationship anyway? Live now, and enjoy it without pressure. No one knows how long it will last and that's ok.

flighted 1

so true. I tend to forget that sometimes in relationships. man those crazy people who get married in their 4th month will be divorcing their first year. people don't really show you their true colors in a relationship until you hit year one. and then it goes downhill from there. and then you have to learn how to handle their bitchass if you DO want to get married. damn love's freaking hard.

If there is one (actually, two) word(s) that is constantly raped in the ass, it is 'commitment issue'. Seriously, most people who have 'commitment issues' are teenagers or people who still want to live without boundaries. And why do you guess OP wants to marry soon and is pressuring him?

flighted 1

Hey, how do you know OP and said boyfriend aren't ADULTS?

flighted 1

lol if he didn't mean being with you makes him sick, he should have said it with a little bit more tact. lol dudes can be so oblivious to how girls take things they say lol

Just give him some time (: when I started talking about our future to my bf of about 2 yrs he would totally shut down. (Sure helps the self esteem eh?) I just backed off and now (5 months later) HE brought up marriage. Just make sure YOU are ready and you're not just getting married because everyone else around you is.