By ash - 13/06/2011 03:20 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that he is homophobic. This wouldn't be such a big deal, if my mother wasn't a lesbian. He doesn't know this yet, and I'm afraid to tell him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 479
You deserved it 7 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really don't understand why people are homophobic. It's like a gay guy being afraid of straight guys... just doesn't make sense.

eaarreola 3

Your mothers' sexual preferences are not of his business.


MuchDance90s 0

Not a big deal? Yeah, it is, even if his mother weren't gay. To disapprove, due to upbringing or religion or whatever, of someone's sexual choices is one thing, but to be "phobic" of it is life altering. It would affect your life if you stayed with him. How many people are gay, statistically? 2%? 5%? Any time your guy runs into a gay person his homophobia would negatively affect his interaction with that person, regardless of whether that person is super great or has a lot in common with your dude. And because you're the one dating him, your life would be more difficult because of his prejudice. So it would still be a bug deal. But of course, this situation is 100 times more suck as it's his own mom! Maybe over time his homophobia will lessen as he sees that his mother is just a regular person trying to do the best she can, even if she is making choices that your guy doesn't like or is against.

dudeitsdanny 9

I hate to break it to you.. But your rant was badly aimed. It's OP's mom.. Not his. And the number is believed to be closer to 10%. And that's just out of the closet.

If you love and respect your mother and plan on having her in your life, tell him now! Explain how important it is to you for him to accept her as well as all your other feelings on the subject and if he doesn't change his mind, you should find a better man. Homosexuality is a natural part of our world and homophobia is a horrible affliction, one you do not want passed to your children should you ever have them. Also, he will eventually meet your mother and I'm sure she wouldn't like being forced back into the closet so that you can continue dating someone who is so hateful and illogical. Homophobia is NEVER okay and it is ALWAYS a big deal. I don't have a lesbian mother and I am not a lesbian myself, but homophobia has always been a deal breaker for me. I like my men intelligent.

Matty1188 6

This is where you drop your boyfriend, unless you're okay with judgmental people.

dump him...i get it if he meets your mom and isn't mean to her but **** that no exceptions.

Sounds like time to ditch the boyfriend

IGaveRickUp 15

Of courseee every guy likes lesbians, because all men are horndogs that get turned on by watching girls making out. Once again I'm proud to watch the FML community NOT generalise.

I wouldn't date anyone who would dislike my mother.

The_9th_Doctor 18