By Willow - 17/06/2011 23:32 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me why he stood me up last night instead of coming over to visit. Apparently me telling him I couldn't wait for him to do naughty things to me turned him off, and made him feel like a piece of meat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 130
You deserved it 11 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess guys can have feelings too, but what kind of guy turns down sex?

dudeitsdanny 9

I can honestly say I spent at least 5 hours a week without a single sexual thought for two of my HS years.. It's what happens when your 50 year old Calculus teacher doesn't wear a bra. My testicles just retreated back into my body from the thought of it. And in the winter months? Forget about it. I was unable to think about sex for a few extra hours. Anyways... I used to jokingly tell my ex that she made me feel like a piece of meat.. But I did it with a hand on one hip, the thickest lisp I could muster, and sometimes threw in a z-snap, so.. Mine was obviously acting as much as a stereotypical girl as I could.. And I still let her have her way with me.. Your boyfriend's odd. Unless you always act this way, and only care about his looks and dick.. In which case, I can't say I wouldn't eventually get annoyed. Maybe. After a year of it.


0opsie 6

He should've been straightforward with you instead of standing you up. I don't think you did anything wrong, but if you still love him you should keep his boundaries in mind and respect them. But here come all the "oh wow so gay he doesn't want sex with you" comments.

AttucisFinch 0

It's funny. If a girl did the same thing the op's guy did then he would be an ass for making her feel like a piece of meat. Good old double standard. *Thumbs up*

I_Hate_Tpyos 0

that way it's always the guy's fault.

He'll be the most surprised out of everyone when he comes out of the closet...

At least you don't have an insensitive bastard as a boyfriend :D

Pufferfish78 5

Standing someone up is insensitive.

so what... you shouldn't expect or ask for these things, sex is a want, not a need on certain levels, because it's not what pays the bills, feeds you, and puts a roof over your head, excluding prostitutes. Move on with your life. I'd say it's most definitely your fault. If my wife said that to me when we were dating and now being married, it would be a turn off. Reason I say that, is because when girls say that stuff, it makes them sound needy and attached. What guy actually likes a girl who is attached, I'm not even kidding, I've never met one guy who actually loved a girl who was attached; that in itself is a turn off.

boree 0

is he gay? for realz! red flags are flying. hope u c em!

brit426 0

wow, sounds like a decent man if i ever heard of one. id love one like that.