By broke4life - 28/10/2015 22:16

Today, my boyfriend called me to ask if I knew the serial number for my laptop. I had given him my $650 gaming laptop to sell in his electronics store because I didn't need it and could use the money. Apparently it was stolen at some point yesterday and his cameras were turned off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 421
You deserved it 1 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His cameras being turned off sounds awful convenient... I do hope you get your laptop back.

I hope that you/his store have theft insurance because that's a pretty substantial loss!


Oh look, I'm finally first. That must suck though, OP. At least you didn't need it anymore (that's not to say you didn't want it)

Sorry OP, I hope the money wasn't absolutely essential.

Ha, the first thing you do when you get a laptop is memorise the serial number, apparently. FYL.

I write them all down and put them in my safe, this way if something happens, I have that info. It has helped get back a few items of mine or the kids that has been stolen over the years

How is it even only $650 if its a gaming pc

Ha, the first thing you do when you get a laptop is memorise the serial number, apparently. FYL.

His cameras being turned off sounds awful convenient... I do hope you get your laptop back.

I was thinking the same thing about the convenience of it all

I was thinking the same thing too. It sounds awfully convenient that the security cameras were off at the time of the theft.

Are you applying that the boyfriend stole the OP's laptop? Him asking if she knows the serial number, sounds like he might be filling out a police report.

Applying? Really? I hope your brain just went and had a nap whilst you were typing Implying.

Yep. I think the boyfriend wants to keep that $650 for himself.

Justy101 23

#22 my mind went straight to the thought that he was checking that she didn't in fact know the serial number so that it wouldn't come back to bite him in the ass. But maybe that's because my criminology course has taught me that coincidences are unlikely and it's almost always the boyfriend.

easy money says the bf or one of his friends has more cash now. probably someone he knows.

23, sometimes phones "correct" words, and she might have not noticed that "implying" was changed with "applying".

Abatu 4

#48 I've yet to see statistical evidence of that rape and murder tend to occur via aquatiances and exes DA is always the bf...because it can't be others either way is there actual evidence that "it's always the boyfriend" they teach to always LOOK at the spouse first but that's for both genders not just guys

Sorry, I hope you get it back. Did you at least save the save files elsewhere?.

I would assume that since OP gave it to her boyfriend to sell it in his store, yes, she did.

Doesn't the store have insurance or something to cover costs like that. Sounds a little suspicious to me

I hope that you/his store have theft insurance because that's a pretty substantial loss!