By honey soy - 29/01/2012 06:31 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend was flying his toy helicopter at my head. It got stuck in my hair and I now have a bald patch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 949
You deserved it 3 510

Same thing different taste


JRokka850 6

Haha that's great ....high five to your boyfriend..... And your bald spot

ToxicxKitten 9

I bet he finds it attractive.

marisadc79 0

If my boyfriend was flying a toy helicopter at my head he'd be the one getting knocked out with it. Just saying. Not to mention hello, maturity. Not to say he can't have one, that's all good but flying it at your head, come on.

Why do people on FML think that any boyfriend who decides to have a little fun is immature? Would you prefer your boyfriend sitting down all day drinking tea (pinkies out), agreeing with everything you say and talking to you only about the weather? Lighten up people. And it's not like he was trying to hurt her. It was a joke.

perdix 29

Guys find a girl with a landing strip incredibly sexy;)

What does she use when she's on her period?!?! A helipad!!!

I like the runway better, gives me time for a steady descent

perdix 29

#81, if you've been with a girl on her period, that would be spelled "Hellipad." ;)

SxeDaze 13

Looks like a sing along might happen... *puts on glasses* What is love!!!!!!!!!!!!

GoW_Chick 14

*also puts on glasses* please baby don't hurt me!!!

Just draw a H on it and we have ourselves a helipad. But I do feel sorry that must suck.

All I cam say... He's too young for you sis ;)

Wow is your boyfriend ******* 5 years old or what

Now why would her boyfriend be ******* five year olds?

Haha sorry OP but you could easily get revenge by shaving his head while he's sleeping and say "it was an accident" lol

CoolRainbowdash 15