By honey soy - 29/01/2012 06:31 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend was flying his toy helicopter at my head. It got stuck in my hair and I now have a bald patch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 949
You deserved it 3 510

Same thing different taste


I dunno what's worse your boyfriend has a TOY helicopter or he got it stuck in your hair

Omg, some of us can't afford a real copter and have an over active imagination.

I have a toy helicopter because my kids love watching it fly. Got a ******* problem with that?

Thank you doc. These people were really starting to piss me off.

purplemonsterx4 0

If he still plays with toy helicopters, he's too young for you bro.

daydreamer244 13

It's sad when you describe your boyfriend and I picture a little toddler.

That happened to me one time but with a zhu zhu pet..

HITide76808 0

Why is your bf playing with toys anyways, anyhow it sucks on your part

Little free advice.. Duck next time duck!

L1v3_L0v3_Lau9h 18

58- Your picture o.O It's cool, I wasn't planning on getting to sleep anyway... -.-

mooseknuckle00 0

It's not a bald patch it's a landing zone.

These helicopters fly at approximately the speed of a drunk snail and they make a lot of noise. The fact that you didn't see/hear it coming means you're blind, deaf, or have no reflexes. Which is it?