By honey soy - 29/01/2012 06:31 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend was flying his toy helicopter at my head. It got stuck in my hair and I now have a bald patch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 949
You deserved it 3 510

Same thing different taste


I just don't understand all of the FMLs where people who supposedly love another do cruel and stupid shit to them.

Rocky007 15

10 year olds should not have "boyfriends". Ydi

If your age is on the clock, you're too young for the ****.

PRpandaz 6

You don't have to be seven to enjoy toy helicopters. They're still fun to me.

Okay for everyone who's calling him immature, who are you to judge? In my opinion, everyone on this site is immature. Laughing at others immaturity? That's definitely a sign that you're grown up all right. And so what if he has a toy helicopter? I'm almost 17 and I still play around with my RC Chopper. Alot of people collect stuff like this, it's a hobby. Does he really need to grow up? Can you imagine how boring people would be if they never let loose and have fun? I say OP deserves it for getting in the way of his fun

In retaliation, shave his head while he is asleep.

One time when I was younger my brother had a toy power boat, he ran over my hair in the water and got tangled on the propeller all the way up to my scalp, I had to cut my hair a good amount.

You should have moved your giant, melon head out of the flight path

MissFits_fml 6

"MAYDAY MAYDAY! Grave and potentially imminent danger ahead! We have lost control! Crash course towards the jungle of hair! ABORT!" And there goes your bald spot, OP. Did you date a kid?

How could somebody say that she deserved that?