By thisblows - 16/03/2011 16:50 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. I started to moan right when I was about to climax. He got worried, stopped and asked, "Are you okay?!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 842
You deserved it 8 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments


sourgirl101 28
Ladyberry 0

then maybe you should give the boy some feedback such as , yes that's it keep going....he only stopped cause you were acting like a dead fish

AKALurch 0

yup, f Ur life cause u have a bf who actually cares

Oh my gosh. How hard is it to google search things that you don't know the meaning of?

xXBlackAceXx 0

dont worry 287, i'll teach her............. cover me im going in

Prankster7o7 5

Give her a break, she's from California.

312, Win!!! And just because she's from California, doesn't give her an excuse.

Are you the sibling of the person who posted a comment in the other FML post asking what a résumé is?

itsmissjox3 0

Wtf did you do before you discovered google, magically pull answers out of your ass? And just because google exists, does that mean people aren't allowed to ask questions? No. So stop being such a ****.

Well 351. Now we do have this thing called google, so instead of making themselves look stupid, they can go on google, and find out what something means. And I'll stop being a "****," when I feel like it. Stfu.

luke1998 0

351f **** u stuiped mother ****** dont talk to her like that shes a woman ur the ******* **** so **** u

itsmissjox3 0

Haven't you ever heard, "The only dumb question is the one that isn't asked," or something along those lines? She didn't look dumb by asking a question. However you still look like a ****. At least you can admit that you were being one though, props to you. And no, some dumb little girl is not going to tell me to "stfu". However, you can take your own advice there and hush your mouth sweetheart.

Don't call me sweetheart, for one. For two, I'm not a little girl, thank you very much. You're pretty mature for calling a "little girl," a ****. I'm sure your mothers proud.

Xxking__killaxX 0

-435 stfu that girl was an idiot she should of googled it just like jess said ;)

luke1998 0

god dambet why the helldid the moderate my comment:D

This is such an fml. You have a boyfriend who cares about you and is good in bed. Damn, rough life!

wildsweetchild 19

I guess there was not much climaxing going on before, since he had no clue what sounds you make, so not so big of fyl after all. At least his getting you there now...well..kinda