By anonymous - 08/12/2011 10:37 - United States

By anonymous - 08/12/2011 10:37 - United States
By KaRaSu - 22/11/2008 12:24 - France
By darthmilfious - 31/03/2010 07:56 - France
By MandMandM - 19/07/2010 06:38 - United States
By thisblows - 16/03/2011 16:50 - United States
By easyontheeyes1 - 01/05/2020 02:00
By Kwalker3 - 06/05/2012 06:39 - United States - Tracy
By verno02 - 10/08/2010 23:58 - Canada
By valerie - 28/05/2011 01:04 - United States
By Fuck - 25/02/2015 21:39 - United States - Fowler
By Anonymous - 14/01/2013 17:58 - United States - Arlington
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway^ are you done?
Op who's your boyfriend, Sandusky?
54- that may be the single most miserable attempt at a joke in the history of mankind. Bow your head in shame
*bows head* I admit defeat.
I used to have sex, then I got an arrow to the knee.
Maybe she is
How is anything that has to do with sex boring??Give me 2 reasons.Pregnancy and diseases do NOT count.
I'm speaking for many women here, but at least you get to reach CLOSE to an ******...
OP Could be a guy?
At the moment it's not the case, 20, but I've been with several guys who don't understand anything other than their own satisfaction, regardless of how much you make them aware of your unhappiness with the situation. That's why they're all exes now!
I find that I reach ****** usually at the same time my boyfriend does... We don't last long, haha.
Wow, what a generous guy. I bet he also offers to finish your fries before you're done with them. You know, out of the goodness of his heart.
Or maybe he's just hungry, and not for fish tacos. Sandwiches don't make themselves.
18, sammiches better than sex? FYL.
43, tell me more..
More like goodness of his dick
29- well obviously in this case, yes, sandwiches are better than sex
Wow what a douche. Keep asking him if he's done, that should bug him.
I clicked on your profile because I liked your picture... Your life obviously doesn't suck of only 3 got published.... I'm Scottish too! You seem nice... Your very pretty from what I've seen and have a nice personality... I'm trying to hit on you just telling you my opinion... I love food too... I would emailing but you might think it as creepy if some random guy emailed you out if nowhere... Just read your profile and thought I'd tell you what I thought....
97 - I hereby ban you from using ellipsis marks for two months. Cut that shit out.
while we all could assume its 'cause your boring, I'm willing to bet it's really because he's immature. On the bright side, this makes it perfectly acceptable for you to cheat on him. (Today's adolescent males are quite possibly more useless than all those before them, so it's not as if they have 'feelings' or deserve to be treated with respect)
Horrorfreaknj, it seems the idiocy of Jersey Shore is rubbing off on you and caused you to completely lose your ******* mind. There isn't a single thing in your comment with which I agree.
Dude... Wtf..
I really didn't expect anyone to agree with it. Nor do I expect anyone to agree with my idea for my "No Child Left Alive" Policy which encourages people to stop making excuses for the socially akward young men of this generation (never before has a generation been so useless & expendable) & instead encourages people to let the kids kill themselves. Harsh ? Perhaps ...
Well, now you know to not go on a long car trip with him! My dirty talk is: "Is this real or fake? Real or Fake? Real or Fake?" It's not working out so good. Curiosity kills the cat . . . and the pussy.
Is this all there is? (lol)
Well... if I were you, next time you two are doing the dirty... right as he's about to climax, hop off and go make yourself a sandwich. Upon returning, ask if he's done yet. Perhaps that'll begin to get the point across.
Don't make a sandwich for him though. Men who cannot (or do not) please women do not deserve sandwiches!
He could just use his right hand for the remainder of the time. Or left. Either way.
I'm speaking for many women here, but at least you get to reach CLOSE to an ******...
Wow, what a generous guy. I bet he also offers to finish your fries before you're done with them. You know, out of the goodness of his heart.