By coop42 - 15/01/2014 19:22 - United States - Hortonville

Today, my boyfriend was playing with my hair, when his hand got caught. He ended up ripping out a handful of hair trying to get it free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 113
You deserved it 6 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must have that hermione hair. He's also an idiot for just pulling his hand out.


You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

He sounds a bit aggressive. It's hair! Hair from someone he cares about. If you untangle it slowly it will come out.

I hope you're exaggerating... an entire handful would be incredibly painful.

We'll that was pretty hairless of him ! (Haha get it hairless instead of careless .. I know stupid pun joke .. )

stupid? i thought it was really punny! (Just so you're not alone in the awful pun department!)

I'd rather play superman 64 than read that comment again.

jazzy_123 20

27, that was so nice of you I gave you a thumb up... not that it made a difference x) but yeah

JMichael 25

My head now feels like my hair is being ripped out

How does a grown man (I'm assuming here) justify having panicked like a little girl when his hand gets tangled in his girlfriends hair??? ..... It's not exactly a dangerous situation, like having your hand in a blender or something lol.........

Hope it didn't leave a large spot of missing hair...