By loserllamalick - 07/10/2013 14:32 - United States - Rochester
Same thing different taste
By Jasmine - 10/10/2014 05:52 - United States - Sacramento
By Anonymous - 27/10/2010 06:12 - United States
By Humpday - 29/05/2016 21:36 - United States
By unbelievable - 02/02/2009 11:04 - United States
By mustache girl - 27/05/2013 23:10 - Canada - Magog
By C. Kronick - 11/02/2009 05:24 - United States
By StudMuffinette - 18/07/2011 19:40 - United States
Idle hands
By workaholic - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 16/11/2014 01:22 - United States - Mexico
By HaleyIsabelle - 08/03/2010 20:54 - France
Top comments
Wow, is shaving your legs really that hard?
I don't believe women should be required to shave. If they want to, fine, but the whole stigma against going natural is well...unnatural.
it's time consuming which is why winter is better than summer.
I'd normally agree with you. If she was single. Or if her bf didn't care.
22: So as soon as a woman enters a relationship she is required to meet the standards of "beauty"? When will men and women realize that you don't fall in love with a puppet, but the quirks and the imperfections of a person.
Not as hard as shaving your face and neck. Stop whining so much and shave them ugly legs
22: Women don't exist to please men, ya know. It's only leg hair. Everyone has it. We are expected to shave our legs, armpits, & bikini area. I'd take the small surface area of a face/neck over that, especially since it's socially acceptable to have scruff or a beard.
22, are you seriously making that comparison? last time I checked, guys aren't frowned upon if they sport a beare/mustache
I kinda agree. It takes like 5 minutes to shave your legs. Also the fact that OP said she needs to shave says to me that she doesn't disagree with doing it and doesn't always go "natural".
@26, in Disney world.
Honestly, it takes me at least 20 minutes to shave my beard. That's using trimmers and an electric razor, so I can imagine what a pain in the ass it is to shave your legs. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a girl having a bit of stubble on her legs, it doesn't make them any less attractive. Sure, guys do love the feel of a super smooth leg but I don't think it's really that important. Like someone else stated, in winter you girls don't keep up with shaving them quite as much. I know during winter I hardly shave my face at all. We all have to make some sort of sacrifice in grooming when it comes to having a partner, if you can't get over the fact your boyfriend has a beard or that your girlfriend's legs aren't completely smooth, you oughta get your priorities sorted out.
Like every other woman has said, it is a pain in the ass and time consuming to keep your legs shaved along with our armpits and bikini area, plucking our eyebrows, dealing with razor burn if you happen to shave too much and not to mention when you accidentally cut too deep. And I know I'm not the only woman that doesn't have my legs constantly shaved during the winter. Too much hassle just to have them covered by jeans/sweatpants all the time.
lol skitsmuffin is so immature. It's just hair seriously. If you are really making a big deal about that, you don't deserve a girl.
dude I shave my face and it takes 10 mins at most I'm sure shaving legs is a lot harder
Really? Try it.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say skitsmuffin doesn't have a girlfriend. Unless you include his hairless right hand.
It is quite a lot of effort. Plus you'd end up spending quite a bit of money on razors and shaving cream if you were to have completely hairless legs all the time.
My heart goes out to the women who must endure shaving their legs. Actually, no, try shaving your face everyday.
Shaving is very time consuming. Takes me at least 30 min to shave my beard, I couldn't imagine having to constantly shave more than just my face. Seems like the guys who can't grow facial hair so it takes them 5 minutes to shave can't comprehend how tedious shaving actually is.
Why do girls HAVE to shave and guys don't? It's hair. It's natural. I would like to point out that it does take more than 5 minutes to shave your legs. It takes roughly 15-20 to get them absolutely hairless. Even after that time period, I still have a little bit of missed hairs that I have to go back and get. Armpits you can do whenever you take a shower, if you have time, so that's not that big of a hassle. Sometimes you can do your bikini area as well. My boyfriend and I live together, so he knows how often I shave my legs. He doesn't find it unattractive that I don't do it all the time. During the summer, I shave just about every week, so they are smooth, but I always have stubble. You can't keep that away. But in the winter, I don't wear shorts, so it's not like anyone is going to see it anyway. Shaved legs may be nice, but hairy ones are just fine too! I'd like to rub my guys' leg and not feel hair too, but that'll never come true.
oh come on#1 you ******* idiot. woman totally have more trouble shaving legs than us with our face. and they dont have to if they dont want to
35 you're right, that takes another five minutes max.
It honestly takes me five minutes to shave mine. I don't know what you're doing for it to take twenty minutes.
Tl dr
My views as a male are that a guy shouldn't judge or otherwise insult his girl if she has imperfections, but you should really try and keep yourself groomed (everyone okay with that word?)
I personally like it when some guys have scruff. Not all women hate facial hair. Men don't have to shave... They choose to unless its for a job or something. And if its a job then it's their choice to have that job.
Let's be reality put shaving cream on your legs then you shave them. Woah that's 2 minutes out of your life you'll never get back! Aha plus I like smooth legs...a little OCD.
152, what can't you ******* comprehend about the concept that women shaving their legs takes longer than two minutes? Imbecile
Fine if you don't wanna shave... But don't expect me to think you're attractive & don't be surprised if I mistake you for Bigfoot...
#165 uuhm 152 is a girl, but i dont believe that she takes two minutes to shave. even i cant shave my face in 5 minutes. i like a girl with smooth legs but if she doesnt want to shave than i dont care about it
How the **** did this become such a long conversation? Women don't have to shave if they don't want to just like guys don't have to shave if they don't want to. But most people think hair is unattractive/unprofessional and if that concerns you, you should shave. Simple as that, right?
I agree with #177. However, I think in a relationship, grooming preferences should have a role. If neither partner cares about the hair, then it doesn't matter. But if one does, the other should respect that. It's a compromise for the relationship. Also, it's a little weird that almost every single pro shaving comment has gotten downvoted to the point that they're hidden, but most of the anti shaving comments have a ton of upvotes.
I can't possibly see how it can take someone 20 minutes to shave their legs. It takes 5 minutes 10 max. And you only have to do it maybe twice a week. Is that really so much time that you feel the need to bitch about it? If you don't want to shave that's fine, but don't bitch about how much time it takes when in reality it isn't even 1% of your week. Nobody cares about a bit of stubble. You're just lazy, and coming up with excuses.
Don't slack because you have a man!
Laser treatments ftw. 2-3 months of not having to worry about it.
How does its affordability take away from its usefulness? The amount spent on shaving supplies to stay hairless that long isn't as much, but it makes laser treatment seem a lot less expensive. If its alright for people to "go natural", its just as okay for people to want to be hairless. For those who want the later, laser treatments really are the best way to go...
Did anyone say every woman? Wtf? Most people can't afford a lambo, does that make it a shitty car? Your logic is ridiculous.
-sighh- Women troubles
Also, you can't get laser hair removal if you have blonde hair or very dark skin. The laser only destroys darkly pigmented cells, so it's not effective at removing light hair. And if you use it on dark skin it will burn you really badly.
No, because women don't live to please men.
If anyone says something about a "hairy situation," they're going to get slugged in the gut.
Ladies please, don't fight. You can share the shaving cream.
I have to assume that "Daisy" is also what he calls your pussy. Oh, didn't you know? Well now you do. You're welcome.
Doc! This FML involves a dog; not a cat. FOR SHAME...
I wasn't talking about a cat.
I get it, but it's still not that funny.
A joke well put, but not well understood by the masses.
#40 - I agree. My stupid comment sounded better in my stupid head.
Ehh it happens Doc.
Goodness. Doc was alot funnier a few years ago.
That's pretty sad.
It's sad because he is such a dramaqueen
winter isn't here yet. shave those legs lady!
It may not be winter, but where I live it's pretty cold already, and we've already had frost. You can't just assume it isn't cold until the first day of winter.
Not to mention, some people, myself included, work most of the time and I have to wear long pants all year round and for the most part my friends work opposite schedules so all I do for the most part is work and go home. Great life right? Haha Anyways, with that being said I do not necessarily have to shave them because it's not winter yet. Who's going to see whether or not I've shaved my legs?
Ew... never stop taking care of yourself just because you have a man. They'll realize eventually.
I don't shave every day. Often, I'm more cactus-like than smooth. But my boyfriend doesn't care, and sure as hell doesn't comment about them. Girls already do so much to impress not only males but other people, such as makeup and clothing and hair, that I guess it's the end of the damn world if we don't shave for a few days.
You people realize that daily showers are also just a social standard that's only existed for around 100 years? Anyone want to date the guy who showers once a week?
If their that hairy get the weed wacker
Wow that's ruff.

I don't believe women should be required to shave. If they want to, fine, but the whole stigma against going natural is well...unnatural.
Why us she getting so much hate for this. It's her body. She shouldn't be required to shave.