By loserllamalick - 07/10/2013 14:32 - United States - Rochester
Same thing different taste
By Jasmine - 10/10/2014 05:52 - United States - Sacramento
By Anonymous - 27/10/2010 06:12 - United States
By Humpday - 29/05/2016 21:36 - United States
By unbelievable - 02/02/2009 11:04 - United States
By mustache girl - 27/05/2013 23:10 - Canada - Magog
By C. Kronick - 11/02/2009 05:24 - United States
By StudMuffinette - 18/07/2011 19:40 - United States
By workaholic - 15/02/2012 11:09 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/11/2014 01:22 - United States - Mexico
By HaleyIsabelle - 08/03/2010 20:54 - France
Top comments
lazy u.. taking for granted ur bf.. ?!!!
How would you like shaving the majority of your body daily? I see men with beards and that's just their face. Are they lazy? Also, she is taking the boyfriend for granted because she doesn't shave? Get over yourself. Women aren't meant to please every whim of the opposite gender for the sake of perceived "beauty".
sorry for that comment bro... !!
Some women get razor burn easily if they shave regularly so it doesn't necessarily mean were lazy. We just don't want to deal with it. And I fail to see how not shaving our legs equals taking our boyfriend for granted? So if you men don't shave your face and have a beard, does that mean you're taking your girlfriend for granted?
I dont care about those hairs. . m happy with my girl the way she is.. the one who cared was her bf who gives importance to this.. once again hurting was not my motto
Why us she getting so much hate for this. It's her body. She shouldn't be required to shave.
Agreed. No one generally says anything when we men don't shave our beards for a day or two, so there's no big deal about skipping on legs either. Own your body!
A few days is one thing. Stubbily or prickly is fine. Long enough to be compared to dog hair is something that very few people find attractive.
I think from the votes on the FML we can assume that this website is mainly guys but I really don't understand why some women are giving her hate too albeit in a nice-ish way but it's shitty that they are because they should know how hard it can be sometimes to shave your legs.
#123 I voted YDI, and I'm pretty sure I'm a woman. If it's long enough to be compared to a dog? That's gross. (Though, that is my opinion that's it's gross). It's not hard to take the 10 minutes to shave once a week. Could've easily been prevented by taking less than 1% of her weeks time. You're just coming up with an excuse to be lazy. Which, being lazy is fine, just don't come up with excuses to justify it.
She's just celebrating No Shave November a month early is all :)
Why should a women be forced to shave if she has a BF? I don't shave during the winter and my boyfriend doesn't care
are you sure he doesn't care? he might just like you enough to let it go.
Yeah most *genuine* guys don't give a shit if your legs looks look like a baby's butt or like a wookie.
No, we care... But like 65 said, a gentleman lets it go and focuses on more important things. But that doesn't mean we don't care.
And can I ask why having a bf is the deciding factor? If a chick wants to shave or not is her choice, but if you shave constantly to get a guy and then stop, on a shallow level, you're lying about who you are. Which is not a great way to start a relationship...
I don't like how you say "we care" as if you're speaking for every guy. My boyfriend doesn't care, he has said that straight up. Even if he didn't like me, he wouldn't care. Why? Because hair is natural.
No, only YOU decide what to do with your body.
I'm not trying to lump all guys together. I am just saying that some guys will let it go and some won't. I just don't think there's any way you can call I guy genuine because he doesn't mind stubble. If that doesn't bother him it doesnt mean he's any more genuine everybody has some shallow quirks.
So tired of people taking for granted that women HAVE to shave... Stop being so brainwashed by patriarchal/consumer society where women have to have 24/7 smooth, hairless bodies. This is just NOT what real life is. Women should shave if they want to, not because society impose them to do so.
I agree...I really believe not shaving for 4 days or longer is pure laziness. It's ok for the women who never shave I guess, but I my self shave all the time. Granted I may skip 1 day here and there but how would you wear skirts in the winter? lol just saying. Also It doesn't matter if I'm single or not I just like smooth legs. It takes 5 minutes...Skintamint brand shave gel is your best friend! :) I rarely knick myself.
So you're not a dude?
To avoid situations like that, II shave everywhere at least 3 times a week!
Oh that's so good for your skin! ''cough''
#62 makeup isn't good for your skin either. Likewise straightening your hair, dying it and getting acrylic nails is also not ideal for the body, yet here we are doing all the above (or parts of) like there's no tomorrow. This post has claimed that everyone has the right to govern their own body - this includes the women who choose to shave three times a week.
At some point we should think about what's really good for us instead of doing what society wants us to do.
It may not be a hygienic thing. It might be that she finds leg hairniess gross for herself, and therefore would find it gross for others. Personal preferences for attractiveness matter. Yes it might be based on social standards, but your personal opinion on attractivness should still count for something.
i agree ^ I'm not sure why this got so many downvotes when she only said "ew" which is her expressing her opinion on the matter. the downvotes are simply others trying to convince someone that their opinion is wrong because they see something differently.
I don't believe women should be required to shave. If they want to, fine, but the whole stigma against going natural is well...unnatural.
Why us she getting so much hate for this. It's her body. She shouldn't be required to shave.