By wrongguy - 11/05/2013 23:04 - United States - Raleigh

Today, my boyfriend woke me up the same way he always does, by pulling on my hair. Just to be playful, I pulled him down on top of me and kissed him. Turns out his brother thought it would be funny to wake people up the same way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 972
You deserved it 9 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep it in the family :) The royals did it for centuries, see how that worked out?


Can you imagine if your boyfriend came in on that. talk about awkward moment

oNisao 21

Guess both of you got the unexpected awkwardness.

bananamonkey23 5

you left out his brothers reaction

I really hope his brother isn't like 7 years old. Sucks for you op!

Why on earth have you not told your boyfriend to stop pulling your hair to wake you up? That must be so annoying!!

Nothing wrong with a little hair pulling! :P

It never said the boyfriend pulled on her hair HARD. I believe it's just a gentle little pull. Nothing wrong with that...

Ultimawolf25 19

What a awful way to be woken up each time, doesn't sound fun :/.

Weird how you and the commenter above seem to think the bf YANKS on her hair to wake her up. From what I gather it's probably just a very gentle tug, or she wouldn't have given - who she thought was him - a morning kiss.

It's best to keep out of reach if you wake me up. I don't like waking up.

Well you have some explaining to do...