By girlsx2mom - 31/08/2011 06:24 - United States

Today, my boyfriend wouldn't have sex with me because he doesn't want his mom "watching from heaven." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 729
You deserved it 7 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would you want your mother to watch you have sex?

RawrNom 0

awww. I can see that, give him a while? I got that that with peeing when I was like nine. god could see! I grew out of it aha.


get a new boyfriend cuz if that's the case his mother will always be watching!

Did you have the heart to tell him 'heaven' is a crock and he's believing a complete myth?

Tell him his mother is eagerly awaiting the Second Coming.

nachtfee 9

Kinda creepy that you try to have sex with him and his mind goes to his mom. Just sayin.

Awh, that's just kinda sad in a way. Give him time.

'If he doesn't want to have sex with you (either temporarily or even for the future) then he doesn't want to have sex with you. Your life isn't ****** for it.' It is when he never wants it, because then it's him who doesn't respect OP's feelings. Oh, and if this FML is actually about OP who discovered her boyfriend believes in heaven, then it's still a FML, because it means that they have a totally different view of life (there is a god and a heaven versus there is no god and heaven), which can evidentally ruin the relationship. Nothing to be -_- about. Gmc_Blossom got my point. If my boyfriends mother died, and he would use the same excuse to avoid sex as OP's boyfriend, then I would be astonished. Dead people going to heaven is just not my lifestyle (nor that of my boyfriend, so I'm pretty safe). Sorry for the misunderstanding, people. (This comment should not stand here, but in the discussion that I started. I hope FML will set it on the right place.)

benhuck97 0

You shouldn't have sex with your boyfriend anyway!