By girlsx2mom - 31/08/2011 06:24 - United States

Today, my boyfriend wouldn't have sex with me because he doesn't want his mom "watching from heaven." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 729
You deserved it 7 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would you want your mother to watch you have sex?

RawrNom 0

awww. I can see that, give him a while? I got that that with peeing when I was like nine. god could see! I grew out of it aha.


Um, you sound really sensitive about his feelings. It's obvious he still loves his mom and may not be over it just yet.

Elysian101 0

You should respect that. He wants to honor his deceased mother by not having sex if she wouldn't approve.

I don't think that's appropriate for FML... I felt the same when my Dad passed away...

Lmfao! By this rate he's gonna be a virgin forever. Unless it's a crappy excuse, then FYL.

AidensHorizon 4

lol if you want real lovin then come visit me ;]

GliderGirl1012 6

WOW. you seem like a concerned partner. . . someone should smack you. You need to be considerate of his feelings.

tell him that dead people dont have xray glasses to see trough the roof of your house.

Demonyx 6

You should have said "make your momma proud, let her know her son's a straight man"

RKD 23

Wow what a douche! How does he think he got here?